04 Screaming Orgasm

Free 04 Screaming Orgasm by Mari Carr

Book: 04 Screaming Orgasm by Mari Carr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mari Carr
Tags: Cocktales
of erotic stories where the women experienced double penetration, but none of them had prepared her for this invasion.
    Too many sensations—pain, bliss, pinching, tingles, aching need—ganged up on her at once. Elias didn’t give her time to adjust. Instead he simply took.
    And gave.
    His cock pounded inside her harder than before as he mimicked that powerful thrusting with the fingers in her ass.
    Soon, she was screaming. Crying. Begging him to stop. Pleading for more. She’d never felt so overwhelmed. Or happy.
    When he reached up with his free hand to grasp her hair, tugging on the long strands until she saw stars, she knew she was a goner.
    Her body jerked and, mercifully, Elias joined her this time. Jets of come filled her as they yelled out their releases. And then world went black for several minutes.
    When Jayne opened her eyes again, Elias was standing beside the bed, looking at her with such adoration, she thought she’d cry at the beauty of it.
    “I ran a bath for us. Thought we could clean up and rest a bit before round two.”
    She frowned. “Did I pass out?”
    Elias chuckled. “More likely you fell asleep from exhaustion, but let’s go with the fainting idea. Makes me sound like a stud.”
    She didn’t even have the energy to laugh, though she certainly wanted to. Elias picked her up and she went willingly, knowing she was too weak to make the short trek to the bathroom on her own.
    Elias stepped over the rim of the tub, sitting down and adjusting her between his legs as he went. Her back rested against his warm chest. She wondered if she’d ever been anywhere more perfect.
    “That’s better,” Elias said, releasing a long sigh. The water obviously felt good to him too.
    “Quite a workout,” she teased.
    He nipped her shoulder playfully. “You can say that again.”
    “You sure you’re up for more later? I mean, I can go home early if you need to rest. I figure a man your age—”
    Jayne couldn’t finish her joke as Elias’ fingers prodded against her sides, tickling her. “Bear in mind, Blue Eyes, that you gave out before I did.”
    She laughed then cried uncle. “You’re right. I did.”
    “Does the age thing really matter so much? You’ve mentioned it a couple of times.”
    She turned to face him, shaking her head. “I guess I thought it did. For a long time I sort of consoled myself over this never happening because of it.”
    “Consoled yourself?” Elias’ smile proved he liked her comment.
    She rolled her eyes, more at herself than him. She was letting it all hang out again, giving away too much. “The girls teased me about my crush on you.”
    Elias winced. “Yeah. I know. When they put that description to it, it makes me feel like a dirty old man.”
    She leaned closer and kissed him. “I’m thirty years old, for God’s sake. There’s nothing wrong with this. But just for the record, you are dirty.”
    He cupped her face. “Was tonight okay for you?”
    She could see the concern in his eyes and she longed to drive it away. “Gee. I don’t know. I mean I only came, what? Four, five times?” She feigned a long-suffering sigh. “I guess it was okay.”
    He chuckled. “You’re a smartass.”
    She was oddly flattered by his comment. “Actually I think Stephanie classifies as the smartass. I’m the quiet one, remember?”
    “I find it hard to pigeonhole people into such neat little boxes. All of us are a mixture of different character traits. While you have a quiet nature, you are also funny, unpredictable and a smartass.”
    He was right. Everyone had different sides. She was pleased by his descriptions. “And you’re intelligent, soft-spoken, demanding and sexy as hell.”
    He winked. “I like that sexy part.”
    “Thought you would. Hey, I was wondering if you’d like to go to Stephanie’s wedding with me next month. I know you were already invited, but I was thinking maybe we could…” She let her words fade away and cursed her ill-advised request.

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