New Rider

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Book: New Rider by Bonnie Bryant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Bryant
demanded. “Zach is a natural. Everybody says so. Even Max.”
    “Yes, I’ve heard that once or twice,” Carole said dryly. “I’m only saying some of those younger riders have been studying a lot longer than Zach. This is his first show, so maybe we shouldn’t get our hopes too high.”
    Lisa nodded. “You’re right, of course. He’s bound to be nervous and make mistakes. If things go badly, we should really make an effort to support him.”
    “Agreed,” Stevie said. “Who’s judging the class, anyway?”
    Carole opened her show schedule. “Mr. Baker.”
    All the girls knew and liked Mr. Baker, who was Phil’s riding instructor and the owner of Cross County Stables.
    Lisa pointed to the entrance to the ring. “Shhh, they’re starting.”
    Stevie watched the class with excited anticipation. At first everything went fine. Mr. Bakerasked for a walk and then an extended walk. Next came a reversal of directions and a move into the trot.
    Lisa grabbed Stevie’s arm excitedly. “He turned inside on the reversal exactly like we taught him.”
    Stevie said nothing. She had noticed that Barq’s collected trot was faster than the horse’s in front of him, which meant he was quickly closing the distance between them. She waited to see what Zach would do about it.
    Zach seemed oblivious to the situation. Instead of passing the slower animal on the inside, as was acceptable, he allowed Barq to get closer and closer to the other horse’s rump.
    “Oh no,” Lisa whispered. “Zach’s riding up on the back of that other horse.”
    “Didn’t you warn him about that?” Stevie whispered back.
    “I most certainly did,” Lisa defended herself. “He must have forgotten.”
    “If he gets any closer he could get kicked,” Carole said.
    Mr. Baker called for a reversal and a canter. “Whew!” Stevie said with relief. “That should help.”
    Zach made the change in direction and gait fine,and as soon as Barq began to canter, a big grin plastered itself across his face.
    “Look at him,” Stevie laughed. “You sure can’t say he doesn’t enjoy riding.”
    Carole shook her head. “Too bad he’s on the wrong lead.”
    “What? Oh no!” Stevie wailed when she saw it was true. “Didn’t he listen to you at all?” she demanded of Lisa.
    “Me?” Lisa said, looking indignant. “Lead changes were your department, not mine.”
    Stevie slapped her forehead. “That’s right. Didn’t he listen to
at all?”
    “All right, you guys, take it easy,” Carole told them. “It’s his first class and his first show. I bet he does better as he goes along.”
    Stevie sure hoped so. “Look, Zach has Barq on the right lead now,” she said with relief. “I guess he did listen to me after all.”
    “He looks nice at the canter,” Carole admitted. “Very smooth.”
    After the riders circled a couple of times around the ring, Mr. Baker called for a walk. All the riders dutifully pulled their mounts down from the canter—all except Zach, who kept right on going around the ring.
    “What is he doing?” Lisa asked, shocked. “Isn’t he paying attention?”
    “Maybe he didn’t hear the call,” Stevie suggested anxiously.
    “You’d think he’d notice everybody else is walking,” Carole muttered.
    Zach finally slowed Barq to a walk. The incident hadn’t lasted long but Stevie feared the damage had been done.
    The class ended shortly after that. Mr. Baker called the riders to order and began handing out the ribbons. Stevie watched with a sinking heart as prize after prize was given and none of them went to Zach. Finally his name was called to accept the sixth ribbon. He had placed last in the class.
    Stevie was sure Zach would be devastated. “Come on. We’d better go talk to him.”
    “Let’s all try to think of something positive to say,” Lisa suggested.
    The Saddle Club caught up with Zach as he headed back to the stable. He was frowning and his face was flushed. It was obvious he was angry.

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