New Rider

Free New Rider by Bonnie Bryant

Book: New Rider by Bonnie Bryant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Bryant
sorry, Stevie. I shouldn’t tease you about that. It’s bad enough that you got hurt at all, but I don’t even like to think about how much worse it could have been.”
    Stevie was touched to see the concern on his face. He really was the sweetest guy, and the fact that he was horse-crazy made him just about perfect in her eyes. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll be as good as new in another week. You won’t have such an easy time of it at the next show.”
    Phil released her and went back to work unpackinghis equipment. “You
a couple of blue ribbons ahead of me,” he acknowledged. “But I intend to cut down your lead today.”
    “I wouldn’t go counting your chickens too soon, Phil,” she told him, helping him with his things. “After all, you still have Carole and Lisa to contend with. The other team, Sunny Meadows, also has a couple of good riders.”
    Phil grinned. “Ah, the key word there is
They have
riders, while I consider myself to be a great rider.”
    Stevie studied his eyes with concern. “Oh my gosh, I think
may have a concussion, Phil!”
    “Why would you think that?”
    “At the rate your head is swelling, what else could it be?”
    “Sounds like you two are off to a good start,” Carole said, approaching the duo.
    “Hi, Carole,” Phil greeted her. “I was telling Stevie how I’m going to sweep the blues today.”
    Carole raised her chin and gave him a challenging look. “In your dreams, Marsten. With me in the competition the best you can hope for today is a few sad seconds.”
    “Make that thirds,” Lisa chimed in as she joined the group.
    Phil laughed. “Looks like I’m outnumbered here, but in the ring it’s every man for himself.”
    “Or woman for herself,” Lisa countered.
    “Speaking of
in the ring
,” Carole said, holding up a piece of paper, “I’ve got the official order for the show.”
    Everyone crowded around to see if there had had been any changes that they needed to be aware of.
    “It looks like they’ve moved the jumping to later this morning and put a pleasure novice class in its place,” Stevie observed.
    “Isn’t Zach signed up for that one?” Lisa asked.
    Stevie nodded. “He sure is.” She felt a sudden twinge of guilt. In her excitement to see Phil, she had completely forgotten about Zach. Today was his very first show and he probably needed some help, or at least a little pep talk for the last-minute jitters all riders seem to get before entering the ring. “Has anybody seen him this morning?”
    “He was in the stable a few minutes ago,” Carole told her.
    “How is he?” Stevie asked.
    “Cocky,” Carole said flatly.
    Phil turned to Stevie. “Zach is the new rider you told me about, right?”
    “That’s him.”
    “Well, I’ve got everything ready for my classes,” Lisa said. “Why don’t we all go over and cheer him on?”
    Phil shook his head. “No can do. I still have a lot of things to take care of.” He looked fondly at Stevie. “I’ll have to meet you later. Okay?”
    Stevie smiled at him. They had this whole wonderful day to share together. “No problem,” she assured him. “I know how it is. Besides, there’s something important I have to tell Zach.”
    “What’s that?” Lisa asked.
    “The correct way to accept a ribbon.”
    Carole looked doubtful. “What makes you so sure he’s going to win any?”
    “Because none of you is riding in his classes,” she replied. “I’ll meet you in a couple of minutes.”
    T HE GIRLS FOUND a good spot on the fence from which to view Zach’s first class. It was a beginner’s pleasure class and Stevie had high expectations. The contestants entered the ring.
    “There are only half a dozen competitors including Zach,” Lisa observed. “Most of them younger.”
    “After all we’ve taught him, this should be cake,” Stevie said gleefully.
    “You know, age doesn’t always denote ability,” Carole warned them.
    “What are you talking about?” Stevie

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