Trials of Artemis

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Book: Trials of Artemis by Sue London Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sue London
morning together.
She might not see them for months or years after this. The quiet of their ride
seemed to honor this time together as a family. Father and mother held hands
while across from them the two sisters also held hands. As they drew near the church
Jack stretched her other hand out across the aisle and Sam, seeing her, did the
same. For a few moments they were a complete circle. Then the carriage stopped
and it was time to disembark.
went to check in the church to make sure all was ready while mother and Sam
fluffed and fiddled and smoothed her dress out. Sam had made a lovely bouquet
from the flowers they had received the previous morning, insisting on
incorporating the yellow roses that Harrington had sent. Jack suffered through
all the fussing and primping, then father was ushering her forward and she
entered the church on his arm, mother and Sam preceding them.
the front of the small church Gideon stood with the vicar and the Duke of
Beloin. The earl was fitted with black breeches, a snowy white shirt, and a
coat of bright blue superfine. He looked roguishly handsome, although as Jack
approached she could see that both he and the duke looked a bit green. Well,
she might have been drinking last night if she'd thought of it. She took a deep
breath, handed her bouquet to her sister, and took her place beside Harrington
at the altar. After that the proceedings became a blur. Even the vows that she
recited didn't register in her conscious mind, she just repeated them by rote
while staring at the earl's cravat. Finally the clergyman called for the ring
and Gideon took her cold, stiff hand in his own.
finally looked up into his face but he was concentrating on his task. His
expression was the same picture of focus that a little boy had when building
his first castle out of sticks. One lock of his unruly hair had broken free
from restraint to curl over his temple and she wanted to brush it back, to hold
her hand against his face until he looked at her. She stopped breathing and
tried to shake some sense into herself. Being near him was weaving a spell over
her again.
sensing her gaze he did look into her eyes, his face earnest and solemn. It was
then that Jack realized that this morning she wasn't marrying Gideon Wolfe,
Earl of Harrington , but Giddy, the serious man
that she had enjoyed teasing during the curricle ride. She smiled as a tiny
flicker of hope came alive in her breast.
you like the ring?" he whispered to her.
looked down, realizing she hadn't seen it yet. It was heavy, a band of gold
with a large blue sapphire, the style made more delicate by the intricate gold
filigree decorating it. It was a lovely ring that looked like a treasured
family piece with a long history. It fit a bit loosely on her finger.
could choose another," he said. "Or I could replace the stone."
smiled up at him and whispered. "You're right. I should have one in every
raised a brow, clearly not sure if she was joking or not. The clergyman continued
the ceremony and was now called for the groom to kiss the bride. Gideon leaned
down to take her lips in a brief, sweet kiss. And then it was over. Her family
and the duke wished them well, signing as witnesses to the nuptials. There was
to be no wedding breakfast, no additional well-wishers. They entered the coach
that was to bear them to Kent and Harrington handed her onto the forward facing
seat before taking the one opposite himself. She scooted to the window to let
it down and wave to her family until they were out of sight. When she closed
the window again she looked over to see that Harrington had sunk low into his
seat, arms crossed and eyes closed, legs stretched out, from all indications
asleep. She opened the small bag she had packed for the trip and pulled out a
book. Apparently today was not the day they were going to discuss how they
would proceed.

watched his wife from under his nearly closed eyelids. His

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