dragon archives 05 - forever a dragon

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Book: dragon archives 05 - forever a dragon by linda k hopkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: linda k hopkins
and Lleland thanked Mary silently before tucking in to his repast. Spread out before him was a panoramic vista of hills. In the distance, the stream sparkled as it wound along the valley floor, then disappeared into a copse of trees. He wondered in which direction Drake Manor lay. Had Lydia ever tramped through these hills? Maybe she had even stood on this very spot. He imagined her striding across the hills, her long hair flowing as her golden eyes sparkled. He allowed his mind to wander for a while, until he finally pushed his musings aside and gathered his bow.
    Lleland continued towards the next summit, which he was determined to reach before returning to the inn and its dull, smoky interior. The steep path zig-zagged up the slope, and when he gained the top, he took a moment to catch his breath as the cold air filled his lungs. His gaze swept the vista as a shaft of sun broke through a parting in the clouds. Something glimmered in the distance, and he shaded his eyes as he stared at it. Golden wings stretched out wide from a huge body, while a long neck reached through the sky. A thick tail, armed with spikes, trailed out behind a massive frame, and a thin stream of flame flowed from the creature’s mouth.
    In an instant, Lleland had his bow strung and an arrow notched. As he lifted the weapon, the creature turned, its gaze landing on Lleland. He released the arrow, and immediately cursed himself for his stupidity. The monster was too far away for a shot. He watched, waiting for the creature to turn and start racing towards him as he notched another arrow and held it ready. The creature swept closer, its eyes never leaving Lleland as it soared through the sky. Its tail flicked from side to side, while massive wings stretched out like a canopy. Lleland lifted his bow. He could see the blazing yellow of the creature’s eyes, but it was still beyond his range. He waited. The creature rose higher in the air and broke its gaze, turning its head in the direction of the distant hills as it started flying away.
    Lleland lowered the bow and watched in confusion. Another dragon joined the first, its wings and body a dark, flaming red, and he lifted the bow once again, but beyond a quick glance, the dragons paid him no more attention as they flew away from him and into the distance.
    Lleland stared at the two retreating forms until they vanished from sight, his confusion mounting. Dragons never retreated from an attack. Perhaps they were after other game – such as women. He turned towards the inn and started to run. Mary and Anabel had traveled to the market alone. They could be in danger, and he was too far away to do anything about it. He pushed himself to move faster, tripping over rocks and logs in his haste. It took him close to an hour to reach the inn, and he rushed through the door, panting and breathless as the bells over the door clanged violently.
    “You’re back!” The innkeeper, coming from the kitchen, was laden with a tray of broth and ale, which he was taking to the hall.
    “My mother! Where is she? Is she back?”
    “Your mother? No, she and Mary haven’t returned yet.”
    “What?” Lleland grabbed the man by the arm, sending the contents of the tray flying across the floor and down the innkeeper’s tunic. “What do you mean, they haven’t returned?”
    “Hey, what’d you do that for?” The innkeeper shook off Lleland’s hand and turned to him with a glare.
    Lleland pointed at the door. “There’re dragons out there.”
    The innkeeper looked at the broth seeping between the wooden floorboards. “You’re paying for that.”
    “I saw them! The dragons! The women could be in danger!”
    “Dragons, eh?” The man took a towel from around his waist and started wiping his arms.
    “I know what I saw,” Lleland replied impatiently.
    “There are dragons hereabouts all the time! That’s no reason to make me spill the broth.” He headed back towards the kitchen as Lleland followed.
    “What do you

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