Blaize and the Maven: The Energetics Book 1

Free Blaize and the Maven: The Energetics Book 1 by Ellen Bard

Book: Blaize and the Maven: The Energetics Book 1 by Ellen Bard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ellen Bard
Tierra, who’d thrown her jacket and scarf into the back of the car once they got in. Blaize had taken her scarf off, and put it on her lap, tucking her hands snugly into it, but was still wearing her jacket, and even so was cold enough to consider using a little energy to warm herself up.
    They pulled off the main street onto a route that was little more than a dirt track. Setting aside the vegetation and the weather, it was the kind of road Blaize was at home with, the kind she used to speed along on the island on her scooter.
    The rough road continued for a couple of miles. They crested the gently rolling terrain, which revealed an elegant slate-and-stone house that fit into the green bowl of the landscape as if it had grown there.
    Blaize stared. She’d never seen anything like it.
    Tierra laughed. “Yeah, that view used to get me like that too. Still does sometimes, especially if I’ve been away. Welcome to Cathair Cuinn. Cuinn designed most of it himself, using Irish stone and working with the architect. And when Adam, that’s my brother, and I moved in later, Cuinn had additions built for us. Plus, of course, there’re a few cottages, bungalows, in the grounds for visitors. You'll have one of those for privacy.”
    Tierra spoke so quickly it was hard for Blaize to keep up after what felt like weeks of travelling. She was jet-lagged and dropping with fatigue. She focused on one thing. "What does the name mean?"
    Tierra laughed. "It's a joke. Cathair means castle in Gaelic. Fintan — he's a friend of ours, I think you know him — named it as a joke when Cuinn had it built, and it stuck."
    They parked in a drive, and got out of the car, and Tierra helped Blaize bring her luggage in. Blaize thought Tierra might ring the bell to bring Blaize’s new Maven down, but Tierra unlocked the sturdy wooden door instead and pushed it open, gesturing with her head for Blaize to come on in, as her arms were full of Blaize’s things.
    Blaize followed Tierra through the door into an imposing hallway. A large wooden staircase led up to the left, and she counted at least seven different doors off the hallway.  
    Tierra put Blaize’s belongings in the hall.  
    “You’ll be in Garden Cottage. Your boxes are already there, but let’s get you some food first, then you can settle in and sleep.” Tierra looked at her watch. “If you can give it another hour or so, then you should sleep through the night and reset your internal clock.”
    Blaize nodded. She was almost too tired to sleep, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to eat anything. She followed Tierra through a corridor to a huge room split into a kitchen and an eating area. The latter had a big farmhouse-style table and chairs, and huge windows looking out onto the lawn.  
    “This is the kitchen. We eat most of our informal meals in here. We only eat in the dining room when we have guests.”
    Tierra pulled out a chair and steered Blaize into it. Blaize’s head was fuzzy, and she heard Tierra’s words without really taking them in. Tierra talked as she poured Blaize water, and then brought over fresh bread, cheese, butter ,and some ripe tomatoes to put together a snack.  
    Blaize tried to nod and smile in the right places, but she knew she was being unresponsive. She drank the water, which helped wake her up a little, and then her stomach growled, telling her she was hungrier than she thought. She murmured a quiet “thank you” as Tierra pushed the food towards her, and ate.  
    It didn't take her long to demolish the sandwich. “That was amazing, thanks. I will have another glass of water, if that’s okay. I think I got a bit dehydrated on the plane.”
    “Of course.” Tierra jumped up, took Blaize’s glass, and refilled it. “I’ll take you to the cottage now, and you can get some sleep.”
    Blaize frowned. “What about Cuinn? Is he here? I’d like to meet him.”
    Tierra looked away, her usually constant smile wavering for a second. “He had to go away

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