Out of the Wreckage

Free Out of the Wreckage by Amy Cox

Book: Out of the Wreckage by Amy Cox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Cox
    Flopping into the window sill seat, Andrea stares out at the trees.  Her Grand-dad started Westwood Orchards over thirty-five years ago, and business has never been better.  The small store her Grams sells baked goods, jellies and produce out of is busy this time of year, which means while Grams and Andrea's Momma run the store, 'Drea helps Grand-dad with the apples in the orchard. 
                  She watches as her Grand-dad kisses her Grams under the pre-dusk stars, even after putting in a full day harvesting he still walks her through the orchard every night. 
    "'Drea?" A voice calls from the bathroom. 
    Smiling she sighs, "Oh Momma, isn't it so romantic?"
                  Climbing into the seat, Cassandra Westwood pulls her daughter into her lap. "You know my precious one, the orchard is magical.  It brought your Grand-dad and Grams together; they put all of their love into this place." Misty eyed she continues, "It brought your father to me, even if for just a time."
    "Oh Momma, I could never leave here.  Not ever." 'Drea says as she watches her grandparents disappear into the trees arm and arm.  Knowing her Momma's heart never fully mended after that summer.  Andrea's father, a dr ifter that her Grand-dad hired for the summer harvest.  Cass and Paul had loved fast and hard beneath the trees that summer.  Fall came and Paul left for parts unknown.  Soon after Cass learned of her pregnancy, but was never able to find Paul.  To this day she aches for him. 
    "Andrea Ruth." Cassandra says as she brushes out 'Drea's tangled black hair. "You are only eleven years old, of course you will grow up and leave here, go to college, have a career.  I want so much for you, my precious one."
    "I wa nt love Momma, I want magic." 'Drea says with a pout as she climbs into bed.
    "You shall have it in time, 'Drea.  You have plenty of time to do it all, with us all cheering you on.  I love you 'Drea." She soothes as she kisses her on the cheek. 
    'Drea j erks awake in a cold sweat, checking her surroundings.  "Oh it was so real." She murmurs to herself as she checks her phone for the time, as unwelcome tears stream down her face.  In the years since her Momma had died she had plenty of nightmares; gory flashes of the crash, of her Momma dying there in front of her before help came.  She could smell the gas leaking or see the broken guard rail.  Never had she dreamed of the happy times at Westwood Orchards, those were forgotten.  Her Momma had died ten years ago, her Grand-dad nearly three. 
                  Thriving in New York as a chef, 'Drea was engaged to be married.  Until two days ago she thought the new life she had built was perfect.  After her fiancé. Phillip had been caught giving a waitress the hands on approach, she couldn't continue to work there or marry him for that matter.  Still she wondered which she'd miss more...
                  After walking out amidst the dinner rush, she came home to a message from Grams.  She couldn't say no to Grams, so after packing everything 'Drea jumps into her car without even a word to Phillip. "Saving the orchard is all that matters." She tells herself as she left the city for good.
                  Done with thinking and deciding to give up on sleep, 'Drea dresses and checks out of the hotel. "Won't be long now 'Drea." She sighs.  Just two hundred more miles and she would be face to face with the very thing she had run from ten years ago... The past.  Grams needs her, and she will do anything to save Westwood Orchards.  "I know this will work, I can make it work.  Just please, let the magic still be there... let it be real."
    Chapter One:
      Small towns and lingering memories.
                  As Andrea Westwood pulls up in front of her family's

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