Deliciously Wicked

Free Deliciously Wicked by Robyn DeHart

Book: Deliciously Wicked by Robyn DeHart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robyn DeHart
“You’re the worst sort of romantic, Jamie. Go home.”
    Jamie pounded Gareth on the back. “See you tomorrow then.” He gave him a wink, then turned to go.
    Gareth leaned against the far wall, partially hidden behind the shadow of a door. There was no reason for him to advertise the fact that he was staying behind. Especially since everyone else had seen Meg enter the factory. Surely everyone knew she had not yet left. It took only a few minutes longer for the rest of the men to file out of the factory, leaving Gareth alone.
    With newfound determination to keep as much distance between himself and the beauty as he could, hemade his way to the makeshift packaging room to begin work on the boxes. He saw no reason to go and retrieve her.
    The room they were working in was going to be the office of the incoming staff. Men in cravats who wouldn’t have to get their hands and clothes dirty. Gareth wanted one of those positions, but so far he’d done a rotten job showing that.
    If his father hadn’t wasted all their money, Gareth wouldn’t need a job. He’d be wealthy and living comfortably in the country or in a luxurious town home in the best part of London. But life hadn’t worked out for him that way, so he had to work, which was why he couldn’t let anyone know the truth about him.
    The long, narrow room had only one table to fill the space. He made his way to it and sat. Atop the wooden table sat the seventeen boxes, all different sizes and styles, and the rest of the materials they would need to complete their task. Plush velvet material, small cut mirrors, prints of kittens and maidens and floral landscapes, and glue all laid out for their use.
    He grabbed one of the smaller boxes, figuring it was better to start with a minimal amount of work and build up to the larger, more elaborate boxes. He’d never even held one of the finished boxes before, but he had seen them. He hoped his memory would serve him well tonight.
    It only took ten minutes for her to appear in the doorway.
    â€œWhat are you doing?” she asked.
    â€œWhat do I appear to be doing?” he asked. Then he added, “Working on the boxes.”
    â€œBut you don’t know how yet,” she said. “I went and spoke to the women in the packaging room and they gave me instructions on how to proceed.”
    He caught her frown before he looked down at his current project. “I’ve seen them before. I decided that was enough information to get started.”
    â€œI am supposed to help you with these,” she said firmly.
    â€œBe my guest.” He motioned to the chair on the opposite side of the table.
    â€œI’ll have you know that my maid is right outside the door. That should give me sufficient protection,” she said.
    He had half a mind to tell her she didn’t need protection from him, but it would have been a lie. He was glad she’d brought her maid, glad to have a buffer between them so he might control himself and not give in to the temptation of her lips.
    She sat across from him. “It appears that all of the supplies are here.”
    He knew she was not satisfied. That he had irritated her, and if he were half a gentleman, he would apologize for his rudeness. Instead he found great pleasure in her irritability. Not because he was cruel, but rather because she was so easy to rile. It didn’t hurt that she looked so damn sensual when she got mad. She had this habit of chewing her lip, and it nearly drove him insane.
    She leaned forward to eye his progress. “You’re doing a nice job.”
    How he wanted to say something sardonic, but there was no reason to make her completely dislike him. Quite soon she sat working quickly, no longer pursingher lips, but rather grinning. And humming. It was as if he had invited little Snow White to work beside him. He nearly expected to see woodland animals gather at her feet.
    She looked up and caught him

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