Wedding Heat: Hole In One (MMM)
sky was an unnatural
shade of blue, like it wanted to stay dark but the sun was forcing
light into it. He’d thought he was dreaming. Everything from the
night before seemed imaginary—the drinking, the skinny dipping, not
to mention meeting Greg and having sex for the first time.
    Joey stared at his breakfast sausage,
watching it expand in his mind until it was huge, veined,
red-tipped, and pulsing in Greg’s mouth. He’d never been woken up
like that before, in a haze of dreamy pleasure so good it couldn’t
possibly be real. Greg had rested his head across Joey’s thighs,
fist wrapped lazily around his shaft, sucking slowly.
    When Joey realized the blow job wasn’t a
dream he almost jumped, but Greg restrained him. The only option
was to gaze at the woods, lake, embers of a fire. Were there people
around? His heart pounded in his throat at the idea of getting
caught with his dick between another guy’s lips.
    “Stop,” he tried to say. The word came out
like a rasp, almost inaudible. “Oh my god.”
    Greg started humming and it sounded like
“Mmmm,” like he was savouring the taste of Joey’s skin. Greg’s
mouth was wet and warm, and Joey wondered if that’s what a pussy
would feel like, and he wondered if he’d ever fuck one. He hoped
so, one day. He’d like to be able to compare.
    “You awake?” Greg asked around Joey’s shaft,
looking up briefly.
    Their gazes met and Greg chuckled, which
made Joey wonder what he looked like in that moment. Bedhead? Or
simply stunned?
    “Better than an alarm clock, right?” Greg
held Joey’s dick upright and moved down to his tight balls.
    Joey hissed, trying to keep quiet. He knew
his voice would carry over the glass lake they’d swum in last
night. Everything was still and silent. He bit down on his tongue
in hopes that would help, but it only made him whimper like a
    His body was waking up too fast now, the
pleasure intense enough to be jarring. Greg’s hot, wet mouth sucked
him toward the edge like a satin slipper. God, those slurping
noises. The way Greg gazed up at him adoringly, worshipfully, using
only his mouth—no hands, just a tongue and two lips. Sucking,
diving, swallowing, devouring, until…
    “Joey, what are you doing?”
    His sister was talking to him, staring
expectantly across the breakfast table like he owed her an answer
to some unheard question.
    “Huh?” He shook his head and his brain
rattled around inside his skull. “Oww. What?”
    Vanessa nodded toward the petite brunette
standing beside their table with a pot of coffee.
    “Did you want some?” The girl flashed a
bright smile and Joey followed a wave of shiny hair down her front.
Her white shirt wasn’t buttoned all the way up, and where the
collar flipped out rebelliously, he could just spy the curve of her
    “Uhhh-huh,” Joey mumbled, trying not to
stare at her boobs.
    Vanessa laughed as the girl leaned across
the table to fill Joey’s clunky white mug. His hard-on pounded the
lame-ass khakis his mother had bought for him. He felt his cheeks
burning up when she looked his way and smiled.
    “You’re such a dick,” Vanessa snickered when
the coffee girl had moved away. “Can’t stop thinking about fucking
her tits, can you?”
    The elderly couple at the next table raised
their haughty eyebrows, gazing at Vanessa in astonishment. Vanessa
glared back at them and then looked away swiftly. Mission
accomplished, she sat up perfectly straight and pretended to adjust
a tie she wasn’t wearing.
    “You’re such a ball-buster, Ness.”
    “Dude, I gotta ask you something.” Vanessa
pushed her plate to the side and leaned across the table. She
smelled like alcohol and something else—something tangy and sweet,
and even if he didn’t know what that aroma was he knew it made him
    When his sister didn’t ask her question,
Joey leaned in close. She looked really

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