Outsystem (Aeon 14)

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Book: Outsystem (Aeon 14) by M. D. Cooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. D. Cooper
as long as they don’t twiddle with it,” Abby responded. Her husband laid a calming hand on her arm.
    Terrance pretended not to notice her sour mood, a luxury the man bankrolling the construction of the Intrepid could afford. “I’ll do my best to ensure no twiddling occurs.” He turned to look at Tanis. “And you, Major, I must heartily thank you.” His handshake was warm and firm. “Things would have certainly gone badly on the Steel Dawn III if it had not been for your intervention. I have to be honest, when I saw that Andrews and Sanderson had pushed your application forward I questioned their judgment. You do have a bit of a reputation, Tanis Richards.”
    “You’re that Tanis Richards?” Abby looked Tanis up and down. “I have to admit, I wouldn’t have expected someone so…”
    “Pretty,” her husband supplied with a smile.
    Abby cast him a caustic look. “Yes, quite…so pretty to be the butcher of Toro.”
    “Guh…” Tanis shook her head. “I had forgotten that moniker.”
    Sanderson gave Tanis what could almost be considered a sympathetic look. “Between those of us standing here, the official report does not accurately represent the events of that operation. Suffice it to say that the major here ended up absorbing far more blame than she should have. To be honest,” the admiral shuddered—an emotion so real it almost seemed out of character. “What her team faced was so…unimaginable that it couldn’t even be shown on VA.”
    Tanis kept her amazement from showing on her face—and her dress since Angela wasn’t being a help on that front. She wouldn’t have expected Sanderson to be her advocate, but he must have been aware of the truth to bring her aboard the Intrepid . “Her performance on the Dawn is a far better reflection of her record,” the admiral added.
    All eyes were on Tanis, regarding her in a new light, except for Andrews who must have known the truth as well.
    “Well. Let’s hope that your devotion to the TSF carries over to your duties here.” Terrance gave his smoothest businessman’s smile. “Stopping that nuke certainly raises your estimation in my books.”
    Tanis gave a genuine smile in return. “I like to avoid being blown up as much as the next person.”
    “You’re too modest,” Captain Andrews said. “I look forward to seeing how your current security improvements pan out.”
    “They’ll be an inconvenience at first, sir.” Tanis was glad to be back to business. “But given time, the new protocols will become part of the process.”
    “I imagine they will.” Andrews picked up a drink as did Terrance.
    “Well, we have to make the rounds. I’m certain we will talk more later,” Terrance said.
    “We’ll join you.” Earnest smiled and pulled Abby along with him.
    “You should get out there as well,” Sanderson said to Tanis, who nodded in agreement and left Evans’ side.
    It was the typical mix of high society and canny businessmen. Tanis had just stepped away from a military contractor who was trying to sell her on her company’s improved Auth & Auth portal when a tap on her shoulder caused her to turn and come face to face with the MOS stationmaster. Tanis was expecting him to pay her a visit and was surprised he had taken so long to do it. She had, after all, commandeered a significant portion of his station.
    “Major Richards, it is good to finally meet you.” His handshake was a tad too firm; one of those grasps intended to signify superiority.
    “Yourself as well.” Tanis put on her most pleasant smile. “I hope you haven’t found our new security measures at all inconvenient.” There, it was out, let him either make a complaint or brush the issue aside.
    “I can’t say I enjoy having TSF troops assume control of several decks on my station.” The stationmaster was going the more aggressive route. “I believe that our security is up to the task of keeping MOS in one piece. We’ve managed to do so for nearly a thousand

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