It Was You

Free It Was You by Ashley Beale

Book: It Was You by Ashley Beale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Beale
to marry me one minute and prepares to fuck a whore the next.
    "Fuck you," I hiss out. It feels good to say to him, finally after all this time.
    Kyler freezes for all of a second while he turns to face me. Robin's leg drops and she looks shocked to have been caught, proving herself to be even more of an idiot. I don't pay any mind to her though, my attention is completely on the douche bag in front of me.
    His face contours from the horny, happy teenager he just was to the asshole he normally is. "What did you just say to me?"
    "Fuck. You." Euphoria washes over me when I repeat those words. I've wanted to tell him that so many damn times.
    He snorts out a hard laugh, mocking amusement. Pushing Robin aside, he adjusts his pants before walking in my direction. My feet remain planted on the ground. He doesn't seem to care that she’s watching as he grabs my arm and pulls me close to him, gripping hard into my skin. I know it's going to bruise. His words seethe out of his mouth in pure outrage. "You don't fucking speak to me like that. You got it, cunt? I'm your damn fiancé and you're going to respect me. Understand?"
    When I don't say anything, he squeezes my arm tighter causing a small whimper to break free.
    "What was that?" he breathes heavily in my ear. "I can't fucking hear you."
    "Fuck you, Kyler. Fuck. You." My eyes close tightly in preparation to what is yet to come. I'm pretty certain I've angered him to the point of not caring who is around.
    The blow to my face stings. The pain radiates from my cheek down to my neck. I'd have fallen back if it weren't for him still holding my arm with all his might. Before I'm even given the chance to react, his free hand comes up and grips onto my jaw, holding my face firm. The skin inside my mouth starts to taste like blood as it’s being forcefully pressed against my teeth. I'm given no choice but to face the creature in front of me.
    "I don't know who the fuck you think-" he starts to loudly speak in my ear before he's interrupted by a voice that instantly causes nerves to become hyperaware in my stomach.
    "I don't know who the fuck you think you are." Jaron repeats the words of Kyler, only they're not meant for me. "Now let her go and back the fuck off."
    Kyler doesn't let up though, at least not yet. His jaw ticks back and forth, probably from being caught. He stares past me but his face remains close. I can smell the stale beer on his breathe when he tells Jaron, "This doesn't concern you."
    "Oh, but it does. You're on my property. Let her go... now."
    "Or what?" Kyler questions.
    "Or I'll fucking kill you," Jaron angrily spits out at Kyler.
    I do my best to swallow but his force on my neck is too hard and instead it causes me to start choking. Kyler only grips harder and I find it more difficult to breathe. He says something to Jaron but my concentration becomes on trying to free his hand from my neck. I claw at his hand, trying to pull it from me but his grip becomes too much. My sight starts to fog.
    His hand is pulled from me and I finally fall to the ground, chocking hard on the air that I'm desperately trying to breathe in. I don't even notice the stinging of my knees until I'm finally catching my breath. Arms come around me, desperate and weak. I realize that it's Robin, as she continues to whisper how sorry she is.
    I look up to see Kyler pinned to the garage by Jaron's rugged arm. His fist shakes like he's about to punch Kyler, but he remains still. They stare into one another’s eyes, saying so many things without speaking a single word. Finally Kyler shoves Jaron back from him, although he doesn't budge much. "Stay the fuck off me," Kyler spits out. "You fucking fag."
    Jaron gives him a shove, causing him to fall back into the wall once more, but says not a word. Walking over to me, he reaches down to help me up. It takes a minute for me to stand on my own two feet. I look back over to Kyler who is simply giving me a glare- a warning. Oh there is going to be a

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