Manchester Ménage 01 - Saving Samuel

Free Manchester Ménage 01 - Saving Samuel by Nicole Colville

Book: Manchester Ménage 01 - Saving Samuel by Nicole Colville Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Colville
good Samuel trusted Danny so much. Milo repeated the reasons why in his head. How it would help with the investigation, how Samuel would stay put while they searched his past, found the possible arsonists who started the fire—if indeed there were other people. Milo still wasn’t convinced the kid didn’t set the place on fire. He didn’t trust easily and the young blond set off all his alarms. No matter how innocent and angelic he looked, that wouldn’t change Milo’s mind.
    Only the evidence would do that. That’s what Milo believed, hard evidence. Concrete proof their Sleeping Beauty was telling the truth.
    When they reached the house, Milo took some time alone in the squad car, contacting Dalton and filling him in on the situation. He wanted Dalton here when he interviewed Daniel. He knew any kind of contact they had together about this would need clarifying. They had a personal relationship which would complicate things, and he wanted to be sure nothing could come back later and bite him in the arse.
    He stepped out of the car ten minutes later with a calmer state of mind and a more professional edge to him. Even though he was so involved personally, he couldn’t let that affect his judgement on what he and Daniel were about to talk about. 
    When he got inside, he found Daniel just returning from upstairs. “I'm sorry I made him run. That was the last thing I wanted to happen. I only wanted to question him. I was just as shocked as he was when we first saw each other.” Milo ran his fingers through his dark hair and sat down on the edge of the sofa. “Before I could say much, he was out of the door.”
    Daniel perched on the arm of the chair opposite him, playing with his shirt cuff while he looked at the floor. “He’s really jumpy. I had to take him in, Milo. He ran from the hospital before I could talk him into staying in a shelter. I was out of options and I just offered him my place. He’s been through a lot. I just want to help him.”
    Milo huffed loudly. He knew there was more. It was plain to see what Daniel wanted from the runaway. “Danny…” Milo leaned forward and smiled softly. “I’ve asked Dalton to be here when we talk officially, but before he comes, just tell me something, just for me, not for the report. Have you been with him physically in any way?”
    Daniel glared at him, but Milo shook his head, holding up his palms.
    “I'm not asking for personal reasons, just as a friend trying to help you out. I'm not blind, I see how you look at him. I did the first time you saw him laid in the hospital. I just need to know you haven’t acted on those feelings.”
    Daniel slammed his mouth shut and looked out of the window while he thought for a few tense moments. “I haven’t acted on them. I wouldn’t do that, Milo, and it pisses me off you’d think I would have done anything to him. Yeah, I want to.” Daniel pulled his fingers through his hair.
    This was a conversation they’d never had before. They both dealt with the other people they saw in the same way—they discussed nothing and kept that part of their lives separate.
    “He hasn’t told me much of what happened to him, only a brief history up to the age of fifteen. That’s when he said things changed for him. It’s also the age the doctor thinks most of those fucking scars on his body happened, so…” Daniel stood up, thrusting his hands in his pockets while he paced around in front of Milo. “You’ve read those files, you know more than I do about what’s happened to him over the years. I don’t think the scars I've seen are the only ones.”
    Milo and Daniel stared at each other for a few silent moments, then Milo broke and he shook his head. “He has more.”
    “Something really bad happened to him, Milo. You and I know that. How could I let him go when I knew he would be in danger? Someone’s following him around, searching for him wherever he goes. He’s been running for six months I think from what he

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