The Authorized Ender Companion

Free The Authorized Ender Companion by Jake Black

Book: The Authorized Ender Companion by Jake Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jake Black
though, after speaking with Graff. He even withdrew the threat of exposure.
    However, though a high-ranking member of the world leadership, Chamrajnagar had made a tentative alliance with Achilles Flandres, the serial killer who had his sights set on world domination. Locke had derailed one of Achilles’s plans, and Achilles wanted revenge.
    Achilles had begun working with the government in India, and it was feared that he would be able to learn Locke’s true identity from Chamrajnagar. From an assignment in space, Chamrajnagar promised that upon his return to Earth, he would resign his position as Polemarch in the Hegemony, and return to India where he was given a high position in the Indian military. Achilles had made moves that would ultimately bring down India into Chinese rule, though, and Peter Wiggin advised Chamrajnagar to stay in space for the duration of the conflict.
    When Peter reached the office of Hegemon following the Chinese takeover of Asia, he reinstalled Chamrajnagar as Polemarch, stating that doing so gave credibility to his office. He was loyal to Peter.
    Years later, Achilles Flandres made an effort to overthrow Peter as Hegemon. Chamrajnagar would not heed Achilles’s demands, and forcefully stated that Peter was still the Hegemon.
    Chamrajnagar’s loyalty to Peter and the Hegemony was further manifested as he provided shuttles to use when Peter and his family were hiding on the orbiting satellite home of the Ministry of Colonization. It was a ruse to expose a mole, but they needed the shuttles Chamrajnagar could give them.
    Achilles shot down one of the shuttles, thinking it would kill Peter. However, the shuttle was empty, and exposed Achilles’s plans against the Hegemony and the International Fleet. Chamrajnagar and Graff helped authorize an Earth-bound attack against Achilles, which would be led by Peter Wiggin and Bean.
    Chapekar, Prime Minister Tikal ([SH], SG)
    Prime Minister Tikal Chapekar was the leader of India following Ender’s victory over the Formics. He worked closely with the master manipulator, Achilles Flandres, a former Battle School dropout and serial killer, who was set on world domination. Achilles had convinced Chapekar that India would become the most powerful nation in the world and the greatest force in Asia. Chapekar authorized Achilles to represent him in Pakistan where Achilles convinced the Pakistani government to join India, not in reunification but in military conquest.
    It was all a plan by Achilles to turn Asia over to China. Chapekar was unaware of this, however, until it was too late. As the Chinese took over his nation, he reached out to Pakistan again hoping for that nation’s support. He was taken prisoner by China, but released over a year later when Virlomi, a Battle School graduate who had come into great power in India, called for the release of all of the prisoners held by China.
    He tried to regain his position of power in India, but no one wanted him. Virlomi called for Tikal to be ignored, and the people of India did so. He had to leave India for the Netherlands in disgrace. Exiled, he received a bit of government aid from the Dutch while he looked for new employment.
    Chupaceu (SD)
    Chupaceu, or Sky-sucker, was a pequenino, one of the native species on the planet Lusitania.
    Cida (
von Hesse-Gussman, Ekaterina Maria Aparecida do Norte “Cida”)
    Cifi Unit (SD, XN, CM)
    The cifi unit was the small jewel through which the sentient computer named Jane communicated directly with Ender Wiggin and Miro Ribeira von Hesse. Worn in the ear, it allowed the wearer to hear Jane, but also granted Jane access to its wearer.
    City of the Jade Mountain in the West (XN, CM)
    The City of the Jade Mountain in the West is the supposed home of the gods of the planet Path.
    Colador (SD)
    Colador was the cure for the Descolada, which was distributed to the settlers of Lusitania through their water.
    College Chairman (TP)
    The chairman of Theresa Brown’s

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