Choke: A Thriller

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Book: Choke: A Thriller by Dani Amore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dani Amore
    “That's part of the test, too, Doc.”
    “You are sick.  You need help.”
    “I just want to see you try to overcome your anxieties, your phobias about performing under pressure.  Look at it this way, if you try but don't succeed, at least you tried.  That's really a victory in and of itself.  For you, at least.”
    Miles laughs.

    Vincent looks around the apartment, spies a crude desk:  a coffee table piled with bills.
    Most of the bills are from the Valley View Tennis Club.
    Vincent looks through more bills, but comes up with nothing else.  He looks again at the address.

    Annabel and Bonnie are huddled together in the corner of a locker room.  Their hands are bound, but the duct tape has been removed from their mouths.
    “We have to try to get away,” Annabel whispers to her mother.  “He'll kill Daddy.  Just like he did Rodney.”
    “Stay positive, honey,” Bonnie says, trying to make her voice sound calm, and knowing she is failing miserably. “We'll get out of here. The police have to know we're missing by now.”
    “Mom, we have to try.”
    “I know.  I've got the tape on one of my hands loose. But be quiet, just in case he comes back.”
    “Mommy, are we going to die?”
    “No.  We're not going to.  Your father taught me how to do this, visualize ourselves getting out of here.  Be positive.  Talk yourself into doing it.  We have to believe in ourselves.”

    Detective Ponko is in front of Vincent's house.  There is an army of squad cars surrounding the house.
    Ponko's superior, Lieutenant Reynolds, approaches.  He is an older man, gray hair, and a ruddy complexion.
    “Talk to me, Detective.”
    Ponko consults her notebook.
    “Sir, a unit just discovered the body of a Rodney Olis at Keyes' ex-wife's house. Apparently he was the new man in Keyes' ex-wife's life.”
    “Shit.  At least it wasn't another sports star.  The media are already chewing our asses,” Reynolds says.  His voice is hoarse, and his eyes are bloodshot.
    “There's more.”
    “There always is.”
    “A unit at Keyes' office said someone claims they saw the doctor take off running with a gun.  We've got an APB out on Keyes.  He is armed and dangerous.”
    “This guy is one nutcase.  And a shrink himself!  Go figure.”
    “Not so fast, Lieutenant.  I think there's a good chance Keyes isn't the psycho here.  He gave me a name.”
    She checks her notebook.
    “A Miles Lucas.”
    “He's giving you a red herring.  It's him.  It's Keyes.”
    “I haven't ruled it out.  But I checked out this Miles Lucas.  This kid's been in and out of trouble all his life. He grew up in an orphanage somewhere, suffered through some foster homes, got into trouble with the police, and even did some jail time.  Did most of his criminal stuff in a small town called Cedar Groves, a few hours from here.  Care to guess who else is from Cedar Groves?”
    “Keyes.”  Reynolds sighs.  “So it doesn't matter if this kid is the main guy or not, because Keyes could be setting him up.”
    “Yes, he could.”
    “Either way, we gotta find them both.”
    “I've got a unit going to Lucas's last known address,” Ponko says.  “They'll radio me the minute they find anything out.”
    “Let's hope it's soon.  I've got a bad feeling in my gut about this one.”
    She pinches the roll of fat around the Lieutenant's stomach.
    “Really?  How can you tell?”

    Vincent walks to the front door of the tennis club.  He checks the parking lot.  It is completely empty.
    The front door is ajar.
    Pulling his gun from his waistband, Vincent enters the facility.
    Vincent walks through the reception area.  A desk is vacant, and next to the desk is a pro shop.  Racks of clothes and tennis rackets adorn the walls. 
    All is dark.
    Vincent walks through an exercise area.  There is a Nautilus system, free weights, treadmills, and Stairmasters.
    He steps around a corner and hears a voice.  He drops to

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