Sandy's Story (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 3)

Free Sandy's Story (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 3) by D.F. Jones

Book: Sandy's Story (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 3) by D.F. Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.F. Jones
streets. Wednesday nights were always jumping on Second and Broadway. Music blared from several bars, and a group of college girls or wannabe Madonnas passed her. Sandy shook her head. She missed the carefree days of college. Life seemed simple then. Sandy would be twenty-nine on March fifth. God, she hated getting old but despised the alternative.
    After Sandy’s attack in December, the condo’s super installed a security system. She punched in her passcode. Baldric appeared as the doors opened, and he made her safer than any security system. Sandy glanced around the foyer. The place was empty except for the large angel. Scoping the place out, Baldric readied himself for battle with the enormous sword in his right hand. The blade could be either a laser of light or blade of steel with a simple flick of his wrist.
    The elevator opened and the couple who lived on the second floor stepped out. Sandy never remembered their names, but they knew her name, thanks to the power of television.
    The woman always acted like they were friends or something. With chirpiness, the woman said, “Oh, hi, Sandy, are you going out tonight?”
    Sandy shook her bottle of Dom in front of the couple. “Nah, I’m partying at home. Y’all have fun.”
    The man smiled and winked. “You’re more than welcome to join us. The more, the merrier.”
    Sandy glanced at the woman, who smiled and shook her head like one of those bobblehead dolls. The man’s visions flashed across Sandy’s mind, and she saw herself with his wife in a threesome. Sandy inwardly cringed and wanted to punch her neighbor’s lights out, the pervert. Instead, Sandy politely said, “Thank you for the invitation, but I’m going to party with the cast of Dynasty tonight.” She recorded her favorite TV shows on her VCR because she rarely made it home to watch them during their regular time period. Sandy pressed the third-floor button and the elevator doors shut.
    Baldric burst out laughing. “The man can’t help himself. I assure you he’s harmless. I read his soul. He’s confused about his life, and you’re his unattainable dream.”
    “You bet your sweet ass, honey. But you’re not the only one who read his mind. Gross. Here, help me with these grocery bags. My arms feel like they’re going to break in two.” Baldric’s sword mysteriously vanished as he grabbed the bags.
    Inside her condo, Sandy threw her purse on the table next to the door and unzipped her boots, pulled them off, and wiggled her toes. She sighed in relief. Sandy loved her cosmopolitan condo. All white and black décor with a splash of red in her local art collection and a few decorative pillows. Sandy had recessed and track lighting with dimmers installed and reached over to turn on the lights. She went into the kitchen and began to put away the groceries in the fridge and pantry.
    Sandy went into the den after she had stored the groceries. She fired up Whitney Houston on her state of the art sound system and hit the dimmer switch on low. She watched as Baldric opened her best friend for the night with a loud pop! Sandy quickly grabbed the Dom from Baldric’s hand and drank the bubbles rushing from the bottle.
    Baldric reached up to the top kitchen cabinet for a couple of crystal flutes. He took the bottle from Sandy and poured champagne into their glasses. He took a long drink before placing the champagne bottle in the stainless steel ice bucket.
    Sandy went through her spacious warehouse condo lighting vanilla and jasmine scented candles then made her way into the bedroom. She placed her glass on top of the black armoire before taking off her clothes. Opening the double doors, Sandy glanced at her nude reflection in the mirror. She yelled, “I’m going to jump in the tub. If you get bored, you can come in. I promise to behave. Or watch TV. I won’t be long.”
    Baldric’s brows rose as he looked at her over the rim of his glass. “I think I better wait out here. I’m going to play the VCR

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