Archives of the Frontier Universe: An Assassin's Assignment

Free Archives of the Frontier Universe: An Assassin's Assignment by Christopher Villanueva

Book: Archives of the Frontier Universe: An Assassin's Assignment by Christopher Villanueva Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christopher Villanueva
she could hear more of the Court military moving, positioning, and relaying intel. From so far up, the scene actually resembled the aftermath of a daring bank heist—flashing lights, echoing orders, high activity, and all. She reached about half span across the hall’s roof.
    “You really caused quite a stir, Captain,” she commented with humor. “It appears they’re shaking down even workers in the adjacent buildings. I don’t think a mouse could cross the street without getting frisked.”
    “Don’t thank me,” insisted the man. “Kyte’s installation should’ve surrendered. I still can’t believe they thought fighting was going to help. Now, most of them are dead. And the survivors will probably do no better. The Court’s going to want them sentenced to death.”
    Rose agreed with Meyer completely, but a specific detail could not go unconsidered. Finally stepping onto the other building, she straightened up and pressed her back against a stone column. Instinctively, she peered inside the nearest window; however, it was dark, and the room contained no discernible life. “Yes, that would be my guess as well. However, as the Union is at war with the Court, any claiming fealty to the Pirate faction could not be sentenced to death . . . correct?” she tacked on.
    Meyer paused for a moment in which time it seemed likely that he shrugged or gave some other considering gesture. “Well, that is the ‘official’ ruling, yes. But if the Court can find them guilty of killing civilians or determines that they are a rogue or independent unit, then executions can be sentenced.”
    “And that’s what you think they’ll do?” she asked.
    “We’re talking about two competing sides. There’re bound to be some lies crafted. This is why it would have been a much better plan to just surrender. Now that they’ve retaliated, it’ll be much more difficult for them to seem innocent of . . . whatever the Court cooks up.”
    “Idiots!” huffed Rose. “No matter. We’ve got what we needed.” She walked over to a small balcony sitting above her and climbed up. Keeping quiet, she checked the area and then reached the door. Predictably, it was locked. However, she did not have the patience to pick it. A single swing of her harpoon and the door opened. “I’m inside the building.” She shut the door behind.
    “Very good. You should have a little time before they search the place. It appears they’re much more interested in the military sections of Kyte’s installation. That’s what all the chatter has pertained to, anyways.”
    “In that case, I’ll use this time to copy the intel from the spike we need.” She kicked in the nearest door, unintentionally revealing a storage room. Irritated, she trotted to the next room, which featured double doors.
    “You can’t,” affirmed Meyer. “There’s nothing with a high enough capacity that you could carry. And you cannot send the intel via satellite or any other remote means.”
    Already having considered this, Rose kicked in the double doors, happy to find what she was originally searching for. She saw herself into yet another server room and began pilfering for a high-capacity memory device.
    “What’re you doing, anyways?” asked the man. “Vandalizing?”
    “No, I’ve already thought about what we discussed. Command is going to want this spike even if it’s damaged. They’re not going to buy the story that it got lost . . . And this is because three of the representatives got away. They will surely be monitoring intelligence for mention of an Eiltheen data spike.” She threw a desk out of her way and made for another. Jerking a cabinet open, she started sifting through components. “It’s not going to take them long to find out what happened to it when both ‘it’ and ‘me’ don’t show up in the report, but the two dead Vicese do.” She shoved the cabinet drawer closed and yanked another out. “That information will get back to Command and

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