Gangsters Wives

Free Gangsters Wives by Lee Martin

Book: Gangsters Wives by Lee Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lee Martin
enquiries. My time’s my own.’
    â€˜Lucky you.’
    He smiled. ‘Lunch? I’ve ordered us chicken salads and coffee as we’re both driving.’
    â€˜Aren’t you law abiding?’ she said.
    â€˜Neither of us needs a pull at this time, right?’
    She nodded agreement.
    They were interrupted by a knock on the door and lunch was served. Ali gave the waitress a tip and she left.
    â€˜You wanted to talk,’ he said. ‘Let’s do it over lunch, then get down to the important things in life—us, and sex.’
    She smiled. Ali could always charm her round his little finger. They sat together at the table overlooking the busy road outside and tucked in. ‘So, what’s up?’ said Ali round a mouthful of food.
    â€˜You, turning up at the court, that’s what.’
    â€˜I’m a copper. That’s my job.’
    â€˜Not Eddie’s case.’
    â€˜So what?’ he asked again. ‘He got what he deserved.’
    â€˜Connie, Robbo and Joseph were the others on the blag weren’t they?’ he asked innocently.
    â€˜As if I’d tell you if they were.’
    â€˜No. The old code, right?’ he said sarcastically.
    â€˜It was how I was brought up.’
    â€˜Which is why you never told about what your father did to you and your mother. Or what Robbo does to you now.’
    She looked away, the food turning sour in her mouth. ‘That’s none of your business.’
    â€˜It is Kate,’ he insisted, ‘I think I love you, and it hurts me to see what you have to go through.’ Kate was shocked at his revelation. Shocked and excited, but tried to stay cool.
    â€˜Not half as much as it hurts me,’ she said. ‘And you only think. What good is that?’
    â€˜Christ Kate, give me a break.’
    â€˜Typical man. Wants his cake and eat it too.’
    â€˜So tell me, how do you feel about me?’
    â€˜Me. Always me. Like I said, a typical man.’
    â€˜So what are you saying? Is this it? Did you come down today to give me the elbow?’
    She threw the remains of her food down onto her plate. ‘I can’t. I can’t give you up, whatever happens. But I know it’s so wrong. Robbo would kill you, then me, if he ever found out. I could never forgive myself if something happened to you.’
    â€˜Christ, but you had me worried there. I mean it Kate. About loving you I mean. But I was scared to own up. What with everything that’s going on. I’m putting my life in your hands, you know that.’
    â€˜I know.’
    â€˜So tell me something,’ he pleaded. ‘Anything. I don’t do this. Beg, I mean.’
    â€˜Doesn’t go with your self-image, tough guy?’
    â€˜You could say that, but right now I don’t care.’
    â€˜Good.’ She smiled.
    â€˜So you do have feelings for me?’
    â€˜Of course I do.’
    â€˜Then let’s go to bed,’ he said. ‘I’m not hungry anymore. At least, not for food.’
    So they did.
    The sex was wonderful as always. Ali seemed even more passionate with their every meeting, and Kate gladly gave herself up to him, coming time and time again until she was exhausted. But she couldn’t shake off the feeling that Ali was more interested in what her husband and the remainder of the gang were doing, than her. Paranoia, she thought as he reached for her again. It has to be. But she was wrong.


    The weeks passed since Eddie’s imprisonment, things went from bad to worse for Sadie. All her married life, she’d been protected from reality by her husband. He came home with the dough, and she spent it. End of. He’d choose their houses, cars, and other major purchases. Sure, Sadie had a say in them, but as soon as they’d made a joint decision, the money arrived, and all was taken care of. Eddie paid the bills too. Credit cards, mortgage, utilities were all in his

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