Counsel (Counsel #1)

Free Counsel (Counsel #1) by Shenda Paul

Book: Counsel (Counsel #1) by Shenda Paul Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shenda Paul
his cousin and chief of staff, Josh Wade, are also here. His father isn’t, and I'm not sure what to make of that, but I know Joshua Wade’s priority has always been his political ambition for his son. I have no doubt that wherever he is and whatever he’s doing, he’ll be working hard to secure that.
    Judge Parks enters, the docket is read, and when invited to make the Commonwealth’s case, I stand to address court.
    "Your Honor, I refer to documents tabled as exhibits One-A and One-B in the Commonwealth’s submission of evidence.
    "Exhibit One-A is a copy of a contract, outlining the agreement between Joseph Cordi, then sole owner of Fidelity Properties, and the defendant for the purchase of equity in said company. The document, the court will note, has been notarized and signed by both parties in the presence of a witness." I pause, giving him time to peruse the evidence.
    "The second, marked One-B, is a listing of Fidelity's assets. Six clubs and bars operating in the wider Boston metropolitan area and five in outlying areas are included.
    "Moving on, Your Honor, I would ask that the court refers to Exhibits Two and Three. The first is a list of sex workers employed by Mr. Cordi, which details names, physical attributes, sexual proclivities, and the places where the women worked. The establishments match the names of the clubs included on Fidelity’s Assets Register in Exhibit One-B. Exhibit Two also includes the names of the sex workers’ clients.
    "Exhibit Three is a listing of members by club. The names match those of the sex workers’ clients found in Exhibit Two.
    "These documents provide indisputable evidence that the women were hired to provide sexual services, and that the clubs listed in Fidelity’s asset register are, in fact, brothels. They also prove that the defendant purchased a thirty percent share in that company and, as part owner, is responsible for keeping a house of ill fame and shared in the earnings of prostitution. The defendant, Your Honor, has a case to answer."
    Judge Parks spends some time examining the documents in question. When he looks up, I continue. "The Commonwealth asserts that as a trained lawyer, acquainted with the critical need for due process, the defendant should have verified Fidelity’s assets. Had he done so, he would have discovered its ownership of the clubs and, subsequently, the true nature of its businesses. As further evidence of this assertion and with the court’s permission, we call on Professor Janice Robertson."
    "Professor, would you please confirm your name and occupation?" I ask when she’s been sworn in.
    "My name is Janice Robertson. I'm a member of the law faculty at Eastern University and lecturer in Corporate Governance."
    "Would you please explain what students are taught about contracts law?"
    "All law schools are required to offer at least one unit covering contracts law that includes basic contracts drafting and mergers and acquisitions. Every lawyer, be they criminal litigator or transactional draftee, needs to understand and interpret a contract."
    "Would you explain just how knowledge of those subjects would prove relevant to someone like the defendant when entering into a contract to purchase equity in a company?"
    "One of the basics tenets taught is the process of due diligence. Due diligence is a term used to describe a number of steps taken to avoid committing a tort or offense. It is, in effect, the thorough investigation of a business or person prior to entering into a binding contract."
    "For the record, would you explain the meaning of tort, Professor?"
    "Tort essentially means a wrongful act or an infringement of a right or rights, which may lead to legal liability."
    Her response is exactly the point I want to make; the fact that, as a lawyer, Justin had known the importance of due diligence and, as such, cannot and should not be allowed to claim ignorance as I’m sure Tom will assert.
    "Thank you, Professor. No further questions,

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