Moonlight: The Big Bad Wolf (Black Swan 4)
somewhat sketchy facts the damn demon left behind?"
    There was a brief knock on the door. Crisp swept in, made a slight bow and said, "Dinner is served."
    Everyone in the room who wasn't a vampire simultaneously said, "No!"
    The mess maître'd opened his mouth to say something, but decided against it. He backed away and would have closed the door except that Monq was entering.
    Monq took a look around, briefly wondered who the five newcomers might be, and let his eyes come to rest on Sol who said, "To sum up, these five vampire are - according to Litha's demon..."
    She interrupted. "He's not my demon. He's my father."
    "...according to Litha's father, they're the real deal and not the - and this is a quote - watered-down, diluted diseased version we think of as vampire. They chased Litha here, presumably from another dimension. Ram rammed a flagpole into that one's chest which resulted in the vamp saying, 'Ow. That hurt'. He proceeded to pull the stake out then attempted to flirt with Elora."
    Ram targeted Javier with a murderous glare. The vampire noticed. His eyes widened as he splayed his hands toward Ram and said something.
    Glen said, "He says, 'What?'"
    "My dad was busy, but he gave me three questions." Everybody turned to stare at Litha. "Basically they're from a version of France in another dimension. He didn't say which one. They're not a danger to us. At all. The virus is the result of a chemical reaction that is specific to this dimension."
    There was silence for a few minutes while everyone absorbed that.
    Sol broke the silence by clearing his throat. "Suggestions?" He threw the question out to the room in general, but was looking at Monq when he said it.
    Monq pursed his lips."So now I get an invitation to your party?" He glanced at the vamps. "Well, obviously we need to keep them and get information."
    "Ideas on how we keep vamps who can take a railroad tie through the chest and just complain that you ruined their shirt?"
    "Glen..." Elora began.
    "Yes ma'am?"
    "Would you please translate for me?"
    "Yes ma'am."
    "Which one of you is in charge?"
    Glen repeated the question in French. The vampire who was standing off to the side who appeared to be taking life more seriously raised his index finger.
    "Okay. Talk to him." Elora looked at the one who had claimed leadership as she spoke. "Please tell him that our reality has been plagued for at least six hundred years by a virus that mimics vampirism." Glen talked to them quietly. "The infected lose themselves to the disease and become dead to themselves and their loved ones. They commit gruesome murders when they feed. It is a plague that has ravaged our kind, creating centuries of fear and sorrow." Glen spoke quietly again. "And, apparently, you were the source."
    When Glen concluded with an accusation of culpability, the five vampires' looks of shock were replaced by scowls. Everyone except the self-identified leader began shaking their heads in adamant denial.
    "Tell them it's true, that we don't blame them, because they couldn't have known that our chemistry reacts differently to contact with their fluids, but intentional or not, their kind were the cause. We think the least they can do is agree to stay long enough to help clean up the mess.
    "After that we'll be asking for a promise of treaty that their kind will declare this world off limits."
    Glen translated. The five went into a huddle and talked animatedly for several minutes. Then the self-identified leader said something to Glen. Glen looked over his shoulder at Elora. "They agree. They will consider it a mission of diplomatic goodwill to the human people of Loti."
    Sol looked at Monq. "So what now?"
    "I guess we need a place for them to stay and some guidelines about blood."
    Monq turned to the vampire and spoke in French. At one point they all laughed. Then Glen translated for the others.
    "Monq thanked them for their commitment and said we are going to arrange quarters for them. He said the human

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