Moonlight: The Big Bad Wolf (Black Swan 4)
population of this world is unaware that vampire exist. They laughed about that. And he said we're going to have to ask them to conform to a few ground rules.
    "They said, 'Like what?'
    "He said that they need to stay on the premises unless accompanied and that they are to eat the blood substitute - you know, the one we developed for Baka's confinement. And that they are not to interact with the people of this world, for obvious reasons."
    One of the vampire said something in reply, but was grinning at Elora as he said it. Glen translated. "He says they do no harm, that women love them. They have a little nip, spread a little seed..."
    Javier smiled at Elora seductively and spoke directly to her, saying, "Si je te mords, tu promets de couiner pour moi, mon amour."
    Glen paled a little when he looked at Elora. She frowned and said, "Go on. What did he say?"
    Glen turned an interesting shade of red and clearly didn't want to repeat it. "He said, 'If I bite you, will you promise to squeal for me, my love?'"
    Rammel went straight over the delicately set table en route to a spectacular mid air dive at the vamp who had been looking at his mate while suggesting biting and squealing in the same sentence. When Ram got his hands around the throat of the surprised vamp, it took the combined effort of Storm, Glen, and Elora to pull him away.
    Javier was unharmed, but flushed and looking angry, no doubt shocked about what he thought was an unprovoked attack. He didn't quite shout, but did give a small speech in an offended tone.
    When Ram had regained a semblance of control, Monq turned to the knights. "I won't repeat that verbatim, but basically he said, 'What's your problem? First, you ruined my blouse and now you come for my throat as well?'"
    Glen let go of Ram and walked toward Javier. He said a couple of things while pointing at Elora. Javier looked at Elora then at Ram. Considerably calmer, he straightened his clothes, looked at Ram and said something that was punctuated by a semi-sincere bow of his head.
    Glen was clearly working hard at stifling laughter. He directed his attention to Ram and translated the last exchange. "He wants you to know that he meant no offense, that he did not know the lady was your property."
    Elora gasped while jerking a wide-eyed and indignant gaze to the vamp. Javier looked thoroughly confused. He shook his head, threw up his hands, and muttered something.
    Glen translated. "He said, 'Jeanne's Voices, what now?'"
    The best idea they could come up with on short notice was to commandeer the trainees' rec room and turn it into a large temporary dorm. Sol called operations with instructions. When he hung up he said, "They can have it ready in forty-five minutes."
    Everyone simultaneously turned and looked at the five vampire who reacted by raising eyebrows and shoulders in a universal gesture to indicate, "What?"
    Monq explained that temporary quarters were being arranged and invited them to sit. The vampire said something among themselves and then cautiously advanced to pull five of the chairs toward a corner of the room. The Order personnel remained in a huddle on the other side of the room. The two groups eyed each other, except that what Ram was doing with Javier could better be described as glaring. No one on either side could miss that Javier was the target of a warning still in effect.
    Elora turned to her little group of reluctant hosts and looked between Monq and Sol. "We need to get Baka here right away. He should take lead on this project. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that he speaks French. In fact I'd bet on it."
    "What do you mean lead?" Monq seemed agitated. "He's not a scientist."
    "No. He's not, but what does that have to do with it?"
    "Well, obviously, the study of these creatures falls under my purview as head of science."
    "Monq. Their principal value to us is not...
    "You're actually thinking they've just volunteered to sit still and be your lab rats?" Elora shook her head. "When

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