The Legend

Free The Legend by Melissa Delport

Book: The Legend by Melissa Delport Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Delport
to keep his identity from us to ensure that the Legion would not act against him. He wanted me to convince our army to join him so that he would be uncontested. Obviously, I refused.”
    â€œWhy couldn’t we have joined forces?” Morgan asks. “Surely Kenneth can’t be all bad – he was one of us for a long time. Why couldn’t we have worked together?”
    Michael rounds on his sister in astonishment. “Um . . . have you forgotten that he tortured Rebecca and almost killed her? He’s a sicko!”
    As gratifying as Michael’s indignation on my behalf is, I explain it to Morgan.
    â€œKenneth wanted only the Legion, Morgan. Only our soldiers were valuable to him, because only they could ever oppose him. He wanted the rest of our community destroyed in order to protect the resources in the States and prevent our ideology spreading through NUSA.”
    â€œDestroyed?” the General barks across the table and I nod in confirmation. Everyone else looks disgusted. It is the first time I have shared this piece of information with the council.
    â€œWhere is his new base?” I ask. I had destroyed the lab at the Dane Corp Plaza, and I doubted that Kenneth would operate from there now that the building had been structurally compromised.
    â€œThe Willis Tower, according to our sources,” the General replies. “But that’s not the worst of it. One of our people has discovered intel that Williams wants to start up a new technology department specialising in weapons engineering.”
    â€œBut that’s illegal! Eric Dane abolished traditional weapons when he created NUSA!”
    â€œI doubt that Kenneth’s plan is public knowledge,” my father interjects, “and besides, Bex, NUSA is an autocratic state – all the power rests in the hands of the President. Those who speak out will simply be exiled. Kenneth is going for the easier option. It would take years for him to rebuild the lab, whereas weapons will give him the same power, but in a faster time frame. Fortunately, it will take some months before he is ready to start testing.”
    This is hardly comforting. As it is, we are outmanned by NUSA, but if Kenneth succeeds in creating military weapons, we will stand no chance.
    â€œWhere’s McCoy?” the General asks, only now noticing Reed’s absence.
    â€œHe’s gone on a raid,” Kwan answers, studiously avoiding my eyes.
    â€œWhen will he be back?”
    â€œWith any luck by this evening.”
    â€œYou mentioned you had a plan, Miss Davis?” The General finally addresses the reason that I called this meeting.
    â€œYes,” I affirm. “I’m going to take a team to Missouri to meet with Jupiter. I’m going to try to convince him to help us.”
    It is a mark of how badly the General wants to increase the Legion’s numbers that he does not press me for any details, save one.
    â€œHow do you plan on getting through the fences?”
    â€œDavid is working on that.” I look to David and he nods.
    â€œYour abilities . . .” the General trails off, looking uncomfortable, as though the topic is too sensitive to talk about in front of the others.
    â€œ. . . are returning slowly,” I finish his sentence.
    â€œYou’ll need them if you plan on entering the States,” he points out wryly.
    As I am leaving the meeting room I stop David near the door.
    â€œDo you really think you can find us a way in?” I ask. Thus far he had not been very positive, although he has not let on to the council.
    â€œI don’t know,” he replies. “They’ll be watching the rivers and waterways, now that they know they’re a weak point.” Our last excursion into the States had been made via the Ottawa River. “I honestly don’t know,” he mumbles again, deep in thought.
    Disappointed, I turn to leave and then, on second thoughts, I round on him again.

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