Vineyard Stalker

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Book: Vineyard Stalker by Philip R. Craig Read Free Book Online
Authors: Philip R. Craig
new someone she fancies. She’s been that way since she was in school, so we no longer expect her to change. Isn’t that right, my dear?”
    â€œYes, Mother, and it’s made things much easier for all of us.” Melissa ran her eyes over me rather like a butcher eyes a side of beef. “You’re sure you’re really married, Mr. Jackson? And even if you are, I hope you’re not the faithful-and-true type. They’re so mysterious.”
    â€œI’m tempted but taken,” I said, feeling a smile on my face. “Would you like to see a picture of my wife and children?”
    â€œThe competition? Of course. Let’s look at the sweet little wifey and the darling kiddies.”
    I dug out my wallet and showed her the photo I carry.
    â€œDear me,” said Melissa, “she really is a beauty, and so are the two little ones. The boy looks a lot like you and the girl looks like her. How nice. What’s her name?”
    â€œZeolinda. Most people call her Zee.”
    â€œTell me, is wifey as good as she looks? In bed, I mean, of course.”
    â€œOf course that’s what you mean.”
    She heard my unsaid words and sighed. “Ah. How nice for you. How disappointing for me. Here.” She handed me the photo and gave another theatrical sigh. “I’ve tried marriage, you know, but none of them worked out. Roland Nunes acts like he’d like to marry me, but I already have sort of a commitment. What if he really is a monk, like some people say? Although if he is, celibacy isn’t part of his religion. He may not have gotten any promises out of me yet, but I still might give him one if he’d move from that shack. Did you hear the phone ringing just now, Mother? It was Alfred and I told him I couldn’t see him tonight because I had another appointment. He guessed it was with Roland and seemed a bit put out. Poor Alfred. Roland is the only thing that’s keeping me from being bored completely to death.”
    â€œYou might try getting a job,” said her mother dryly.
    â€œOh, Mother, how gauche. I have Grandpa’s trust and I’ll never be able to spend it all if I try. Did you know I was rich, Mr. Jackson? Now that you do, am I any more attractive than I was a few minutes ago?”
    â€œYou were attractive when I thought you were just a poverty-stricken tennis player.”
    â€œI’m glad you think so. Did Mother mention my math degrees to you? No? I can offer you not only beauty and money, but brains to boot. Does that appeal?”
    â€œIf we’d met twenty years ago we might have had a damned good time together.”
    â€œToo late now, though, eh? Dear me.” She collapsed gracefully into a chair. “Maybe I should mention my money to Roland. Maybe that would perk him up even more.”
    â€œIt certainly perks Alfred up,” said her mother. “I know he isn’t at all happy about you flirting with Roland Nunes.”
    Melissa waved a languid hand. “Oh, Alfred, Alfred. Just because I have his ring and we’ve shared the past few months, he’s positive that I’m really going to marry him. He’s too jealous for his own good. I may just abandon him to that mistress of his. They deserve each other.”
    â€œAlfred is the current fiancé,” explained Babs. “He’s not my favorite of my daughter’s fiancés or husbands, so my feelings won’t be hurt if she does break off the engagement.”
    â€œOh, don’t be so hard on poor Alfred,” said Melissa. “He can’t help it if he’s a blah. He does have that touch with money, though, and they love him for it up in Boston.”
    â€œAlfred is very successful in stocks and bonds,” explained Babs. “He has a nice hideaway in Aquinnah and owns the Noepe Hotel there in Oak Bluffs.” She smiled at her daughter. “Isn’t that where you met him, dear? At that New Year’s blast

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