My Soul to Save (Soul Keeper)

Free My Soul to Save (Soul Keeper) by Melissa Solis

Book: My Soul to Save (Soul Keeper) by Melissa Solis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Solis
tell Emily?" Everyone stops talking and stares at Jesson. I can tell he's not a spotlight kind of guy.
    "I very nicely explained that it was not my intention to lead her on and that I hoped we could still be friends because I honestly like her as a human friend."
    “Did you actually use the words human friend?” I ask, while raising a brow.
    “Um, I don’t think I did. I’m sorry, I’m still getting used to interacting with your kind,” he admits, looking embarrassed. Now I feel bad for both of them.
    "No, I’m sorry for putting you on the spot. She looked like she took it well. You must be quite the charmer. I expected her to come back in tears."
    "Jesson is some kind of charmer alright," Elena laughs out and I feel like I'm missing an inside joke.
    "How about Will, the shark tamer over here?" Inara rubs Will's broad shoulders.
    "Yes, thank you Will. I'm in your debt."
    "Glad to help and no, I think we're about even on the scorecard." Will's deep baritone voice fills the room.
    "Goodnight everyone."
    "Goodnight," t hey sound off. Jesson catches up to me at the bottom of the stairs.
    "Earlier our conversation got cut off.”
    “Yes, sorry about that. Do you want to go somewhere private and talk?” I ask. He nods his head off to one side. He follows me up the stairs. His bare feet padding over the warm wood is the only sound in the silent house. I lead him out to the catwalk. The black ocean is churning now, gray clouds are building in the distal corner of my world. The moon penetrates their masts with fragments of silver light turning them to lavender down, a pillow for God’s weary head to rest.
    “Elijah mentioned to me once, that when you weren’t close by him, he felt like part of him was physically missing. It made me wonder. You see, there is this myth that souls are made in pairs. Sometimes the two find their way back to each other. This is rare because though they are made in pairs they don't go into the world that way. Some are born hundreds of years apart, some on the other side of the world. This is where angel's coined the term soul mate. Human's throw the word around so much these days that it's lost its meaning. But I think Elijah is your soul's mate."
    I glare at Jesson who still bears a sappy grin on his face. "Myth, isn't that what you called it." He sighs with a heavy chest. Lightening illuminates the sky. It flashes out over the sand turning it into a colorless powder for a moment.
    “Look , call it what you want, but our kind usually don’t experience love like that. We’re made to love only one. It's very rare that we ever find that bond with anyone else.”
    I rub my temples hard as if the pressure could fix my brain. I sink down to the floor and Jesson follows pulling me in against his chest. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to upset you. It’s just that I’ve known Elijah for a very long time and I’ve never seen him like this. Elena told me what he did at the dance tonight and it was wrong. But what you and he share can only be true love.” Jesson’s words send me over the edge. The tears I’ve held back all day have broken through the dam. Hot and salty streams run between my lips and sear my neck.
    “No, don’t cry Brennen. Elijah will kill me if I made you cry.” I bury my neck into his neck and he holds me close. “Tonight he told me to look after you. They still haven’t taken him, he feels like their toying with him. But he’s honoring your wishes and staying away. He feels terrible.”
    “I believe he does. And I believe everything you’re saying Jesson, but I’ll tell you what I told Elena. Nehemiah fried my brain. I have all these holes in my mind and when I try to connect the dots they just won’t.” I shake my head in my hands again.
    “I know, and I’m sorry Brennen. Come on let’s get you to bed.” Jesson opens the door to the catwalk for me. I climb under the covers and he sits down on my bed. “No matter what happens, I’m here for you. I’ve known

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