
Free Scarred by Amber Lynn Natusch

Book: Scarred by Amber Lynn Natusch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amber Lynn Natusch
“Want to go have that talk now?”
    ‘ No’ was my initial thought. I was too exhausted to think clearly, and I didn't want to make a beyond-precarious situation worse, but I knew it needed to be done, and if he was ready to talk about it, then I could be too.
    “Sure,” I said, forcing a smile in return. “I just need to go down and see if it's okay with Peyta.”
    “Great. So I get to meet Peyta then?” he asked with genuine enthusiasm. “Can't wait!”
    “Actually,” Cooper said, stepping towards us, “why don't you two just go. I'll go down and let Peyta know you'll be coming in later.”
    He stood just behind Matty so his expression could only be seen by me. It was one I so rarely saw: careful , it read, do as I say. Completely confused, but not wanting to alarm Matty, I agreed and thanked him for his trouble. And with that, we were on our way.
    “You wanna go grab something to eat first?” Matty asked as we spilled out onto the sidewalk. “I'm starving.”
    “I actually just scarfed something down now, but I'll get some tea while you get lunch,” I said, looking around to decide which direction would be best to head in. “What are you in the mood for?”
    “Whatever,” he said, with a growing grin. “We are still talking about food right?”
    “Matty!” I yelled and hit him playfully in the arm. “You're such a typical boy. Everything is innuendo with you guys.”
    “So I'm a boy, huh? That's not what the last one said.”
    “Ew, I so don't need to know that,” I said, heading off towards the waterfront. “Do me a favor? Whatever you've been up to these past months that doesn't directly affect me, keep to yourself, please.”
    “Yes ma'am,” he said with an obliging nod. “So where are you taking me to eat?” he asked with particular emphasis on the last word.
    “There are a lot of places on the water. You can pick what you want. I don't care either way,” I said, suddenly very nervous, “but we can't talk about certain things there, okay? We'll have to go somewhere private for that.”
    “I can handle private,” he smirked, lifting an eyebrow for effect.
    “Seriously, Matty. Enough with the double talk.”
    He laughed in response, making me wonder if all the men in my life relished the fact that they could so easily get under my skin. If so, it was clearly the only thing they had in common.
    “Alright, alright,” he said, putting his hands up in surrender. “I’ll be a perfect gentleman from now on...promise.”
    I frowned at him, concerned that he too was acting strangely. Maybe my boys had more in common than I thought.
    He settled on a place I hadn't been to before—a little mom and pop pizzeria with an outside seating area. The wind had bite to it that day, so we were the only ones who decided to brave it. I unhooked the scarf from around my neck and draped it over my shoulders. I'd forgotten to grab a jacket on my way out the door, not having planned on sipping my tea outside, but the privacy was nice, so I suffered silently and endured it.
    “Are you cold?” he asked, watching my white fingers clutch the steaming mug in front of me.
    “I'll be fine,” I replied. “Are you really going to eat two whole pizzas? You do remember me saying that I just ate, right?”
    “Yes, I remember,” he laughed as he pulled up his shirt to expose his eight pack. “What can I say? I have a wicked metabolism.”
    “I guess so,” I said, trying to look away and failing miserably. There was barely an ounce of fat on him. His dance schedule out west had to have been grueling at best to have chiseled him that much.
    “So how have you been?” he asked, shuffling a pepper shaker across the table between his hands.
    “Good. You?”
    We were off to a blazing start.
    “Where exactly have you been, Matty? I was worried. You wouldn't answer my calls or texts, and—”
    “I had to get away for a bit,” he said, voice low and distant. “Sort some things

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