One True Knight (The Knights of Honor Trilogy)

Free One True Knight (The Knights of Honor Trilogy) by Dana D'Angelo

Book: One True Knight (The Knights of Honor Trilogy) by Dana D'Angelo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dana D'Angelo
Tags: historical romance medieval England
and we have been unsuccessful in catching them.”
    Jonathan scratched his head. Why would Richard allow a band of robbers to run rampant on his land? And for months? “I shall ride out with you tomorrow to investigate the damage these robbers have caused.”
    Raulf jerked up his head in surprise and raised both hands in front him as if to block the idea from being suggested. “The villagers will not speak with me. My going with you is useless. You would be better served if you go into the village on your own.”
    He dropped his eyes again and began to pick off a piece of lint from his worn tunic. An awkward silence hung in the air.
    Had it not been for the clues that the Grey Knight left behind, the uneasiness that permeated Blackburn, and Raulf’s current odd behavior, Jonathan might have declined going into the village. But he sensed that there was something more to the situation, and he found himself saying, “Sir Gareth and I will leave for the village at first light.”
    When Jonathan and Gareth arrived in the village the next morning, there was that same heavy feeling of dread hanging in the moist air. The villagers were shut tight in their homes as if they feared the robbers were lurking just beyond their line of sight, waiting to pounce on unsuspecting victims.
    The horses picked carefully through the debris laden road that was wet from the night before. The remains of wooden houses that had burnt to the ground were scattered here and there, the ashes washed away by the heavy rain.
    An elderly man stopped on the muddy road when he spotted them. He gripped the reins tighter, pulling his work horse close to his thin frame. And even when they passed, the man stood rooted, unable or unwilling to move as if he were expecting them to attack him and take away his only prized possession.
    The destrier sensed his master’s unease, and his ears perked as if he was trying to discern the subtle signs of danger.
    And even though there were few people traveling on the small road leading into the village square, Jonathan felt that their every move was being watched.
    “There is something odd about the people in this place,” Jonathan said.
    “I notice it too,” Gareth said, watching as a woman alerted by the sounds of the horses looked out of her window, and when she saw them, she ducked her head and slammed the shutters closed. “They seem a suspicious lot.”
    It was true. Of the handful of villagers that they passed along the way, all of them showed a deep distrust that could only have been born from witnessing terror. It was clear that these simple people saw him as the enemy.
    They continued down the muddy road, and Jonathan indicated that they would stop at the nearby tavern to gather information. But they didn’t get within ten feet of the tavern when a mud covered rock sailed through the air, and bounced harmlessly off the sleeve of his hauberk.
    Jonathan turned and caught sight of a young boy who had another rock in his hand, and was about to launch it. The fury in his young eyes flashed as if he wished he was throwing javelins at him instead of rocks.
    The boy’s mother rushed forward, and grabbed his arm, shaking it to loosen the stone in his hand. She looked up nervously and caught Jonathan and Gareth watching them.
    The boy returned their gaze with open hostility.
    The trembling woman pulled her son close to her, putting a protective arm around him as if her actions could shield him from the massive knight. “He is very young, sire,” she said, her voice filled with fear. “I beg of ye, do not punish him.”
    Storm snorted as if to answer for his master. Jonathan walked his destrier over to the woman and child. The woman blinked rapidly and looked as if she was about to faint at the sight of the enormous warhorse and its rider coming their way. Meanwhile the boy’s eyes filled with alarm as if he only now realized how big and dangerous his foe was.
    “Why are you throwing rocks at me, boy?”

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