Free SCARRED (Scars) by C.R. Gress

Book: SCARRED (Scars) by C.R. Gress Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.R. Gress
spells. All of this information will be given to you when you are discharged.” He explains.
    “Oh. So I can leave now?” I ask.
    “Yes.” The doctor states and turns to Greg. “You will need to keep an eye on her for the next few days. With everything you and your families will have to endure, you will need to support each other.” He tells him before signing a piece of paper on the clipboard, turning and leaving the room.
    A Ω A Ω A Ω
    Rather than go straight home, Greg takes me to mom’s because that is where the kids are. When we pull up I realize that there are also quite a few other family members here as well. When I walk in the door, reality hits me and suddenly I remember what has happened. I move through the house and straight to my mom’s room where I curl into fetal position on the bed.
    My mom comes into the room with the phone to her ear. “Jordan, I know this is not a good time but you need to be able to answer this phone call.” She explains as she hands me the phone.
    Without moving any other muscle in my body I lift my hand to grab the phone and lay it against my ear. “Hello?”
    “Yes ma’am, I know this is an extremely inconvenient time, however, time is of the essence here.” Comes a voice through the phone.
    “I am really not in a good place to talk right now, what can I do for  you?” I snap into the phone.
    “Yes ma’am. I will make this as quick as possible. I am from the organ donor bank and, well, since your daughter was so young there was not information on file regarding organ donation. We specifically have to speak to the parent to obtain permission if you would like to donate certain organs to patients who could potentially benefit. All donor information is completely anonymous so any recipients will not know anything as to the origin unless you agree..” the lady on the other end explains.
    “I just got home from the hospital, could you not give me any time to grieve or get my bearings straight.” I snap again.
    “I understand ma’am, however, to properly obtain viable organs, it has to be done in the first twenty-four hours. I do hate these circumstances, but this is our only opportunity.” She pleads solemnly.
    “That is fine, do what you need to do. You have my permission.” I respond frankly.
    “Thank you ma’am. Please bear with me. Since this is such a sensitive issue, I will need to record some questions and your answers for privacy. Is that okay? She explains.
    “Yes.” I answer.
    I spend the next fifteen minutes laying in a ball on the bed answering questions on the phone in a daze before I am finally allowed to hang up. Mom comes into the room shortly after to check on me.
    “Do you need anything?” she asks quietly.
    “Can you just deal with everyone and everything for a while so I can sleep? Please?” I beg.
    “That is fine. Greg and the kids will stay in the spare bedroom tonight and I’ll stay in one of the girl’s rooms.” Mom answers as she lays a comforter over my body. “You just get some rest.”
    “Goodnight mom.”
    “Goodnight Jordan.”
    A Ω A Ω A Ω
    No matter how hard I try I absolutely cannot sleep. I toss and turn all night. Every time I close my eyes I see her. I open my eyes and stare at the ceiling. It doesn’t feel real. None of this feels real. I try to sit up in the bed but feel like a boulder has been laid across my body. I have got to get up and walk around. The longer I lay here the deeper my thoughts go.
    Why me? What have I ever done to deserve this? Is this what I’m destined for; a life of death, sorrow and pain. I am not even twenty-five years old and I have experienced more pain and loss than most people ever experience in a lifetime. What am I supposed to do now? I cannot go back to how I was after Aiden. I have two kids I still have to be here for. God, Please, Somebody kill me. Put me out of my misery.
    A Ω A Ω A Ω
    For once in my life I am thankful for my mother and my sisters. There is

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