Remorseless (Fractured Farrells: A Damaged Billionaire Series Book 3)
words that had so much meaning to him, he hoped in a way he hadn’t wanted to hope that he wasn’t the only one who had to suffer through this inconvenient obsession.
    “I’m touching you because—”
    “Honest answer only.”
    She glared at him and started to pull her hand away, but he held firm. “I’m touching you because I’m exhausted and not thinking straight.”
    Shit. She was right. Even if she did stare at him for a few seconds, that didn’t mean anything. He was just stretching because he wanted her to want him so badly. Because if she wanted him too, that would make him feel as if he wasn’t a complete piece of shit.
    “Fine.” He dropped her hand and stood; Julie had to step backward to give him room. “I need to go out for a bit.”
    He could see the concern plainly on her face. “Hold on. Let me get my—”
    “I need to go out alone. I’ll be good. Promise.”
    “I’m not trying to babysit you. I care about you and—”
    Something in Logan snapped. He couldn’t just stand here and pretend like nothing was happening and listen to her say that she cared about him. He stepped over to her in one long step, and with a hand on either side of her waist, he pulled her close as he crushed his lips to hers. She immediately gasped in surprise; he took full advantage as he slid his tongue into her mouth. He’d been fantasizing about kissing her for days now. He wasn’t going to hold back now that he was here.
    She would hate him after this. She wouldn’t talk to him or look at him or joke with him the way she had grown used to, so if he was throwing everything away for this one kiss, he was going to make it damn well worth it.
    Except Julie didn’t slap him or kick him or struggle to get away at all. She tentatively set a hand on his shoulder as she tilted her head to give him better access.
    Keeping one hand on her waist, Logan wrapped the other one gently along the back of her head, careful to avoid the bruising on her neck, as he deepened the kiss. Julie moaned as she fell fully against him. The friction of her body against his sent his mind into a completely new primeval state. He backed her up against the bed, leading her down and on her back. He didn’t break the kiss as he pushed her so just her calves were hanging off the mattress and one of his knees pushed between her thighs.
    In a moment of sanity, he waited for her to scream or attack him, but all she did was wrap her arms around him, running her hands along the muscles in his back, as she rubbed herself against his thigh, letting out another moan of pleasure.
    Fuck, she was so beautiful. He kissed her harder, frantically, as his hands roamed along her body: along the side of her breasts, the curve of her waist, the flare of her hips. Then when he came back up, his fingers hooked in the bottom of her shirt and she pushed herself up to let him remove the shirt.
    Sweet Jesus, she wasn’t wearing a bra. Of course she wasn’t. She was going to sleep. No one wore bras when they slept. Something he’d remember if he’d been with a woman in the last decade.
    The reminder was sobering even as he kissed down her collarbone and into the valley between her beautiful breasts. He cupped each in a palm, more than enough to fill his hands, and pushed them together as he gave attention to each of the peaks as Julie let out these hot as hell little breaths.
    Her fingers wrapped in his hair as she continued to rub against his leg. He might have been celibate for too long, but he knew she was getting close. Even though he knew he was going to hell for this, he pushed harder against her, giving her what he knew she needed to push her over the edge.
    And when she came, he reached up and kissed her again, taking her scream into his mouth as he pressed her against him, reveling in the feel of her bare chest against his.
    As she came down from the climax, her head fell against the mattress and he pressed a gentle kiss to her neck. Julie was dead silent and

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