bike and winked at him. She
looked damned fine on there and he was going to get to sit behind
her and wrap his arms around her. He wasn’t even nervous about her
handling the machine. She’d always been a natural and he knew she
would adjust to his bike just fine. Besides, any woman who could
control a superbike would manage a midrange sport bike just fine.
So yeah, even though he had lost the bet he was winning the grand
prize. There was nothing he wanted more than to have an excuse to
hold the girl he’d loved fearfully as a boy, the woman now loved
completely as a man.
    “Hop on, sweetheart,”
she said just before she brought her helmet over her head.
    He climbed on behind
her and held back, placing his hands on the rear bar as she had.
Though it took more willpower than he would ever admit, he even
kept some distance between their bodies so that she could focus on
the road. Pity it didn’t shield him from the feel of her ass
between his legs. The contact was making him want to feel the rest
of her. Take his place inside her body. Ask for a place inside her
    Just a few minutes into
the ride he gave up the physical part of his fight and eased into
Julia’s back. He even reached under her jacket and ran his fingers
over the smooth skin on her abdomen. Now and then he brushed over
the belly ring and felt her muscles tense in response. Yes, it was
stupid and dangerous considering that she needed to focus on riding
the bike, but he couldn’t help himself.
    He was so lost in the
sensations and sweet torture of slowly exploring those few inches
of her skin that he didn’t realise where she was taking him until
she pulled into the underground parking at her apartment
    She came to stop in
what was obviously her own designated parking area and knocked her
helmeted head against his own even as she flipped up her visor so
that he could hear her say, “I think we need to have that talk you
wanted. Now get your fucking hands off me and get off so that I can
dismount before I drop your damned bike.” Her voice was stony at
best. She was pissed off.
    He wasn’t worried. She
just needed some time to get on the same page he was on and realise
that they were finally at the perfect place in their lives to be
    But considering that
she clearly needed to still keep some distance as she came to terms
with how she obviously felt about him, he decided to play dumb.
    He climbed of the bike
and hoisted it onto its centre stand while she was still on it then
walked over to her bike for a better look. It was all black and so
damned sexy that, picturing her on it, he got even harder than he
already was. If it weren’t a single seater he would have lost
himself in fantasies of what they could do on it. Still if he took
the seat and lifted her onto the gas tank, facing him....
    “Mike! Stop salivating
over my bike and get in the damned elevator!”
    He turned to face her
and realised that she was at the lift, holding the door open.
    The seconds it took for
them to reach the eighteenth floor dragged by in silence. He didn’t
talk because he needed the time to sort out how to tell Jules that
she had always been the one. On her part it was probably more the
seething-anger variety that came from denying your feelings.

Chapter 8
    Julia felt utterly
shaken and vulnerable as she walked into her apartment and offered
Michael a drink. They were clearly attracted to each other, but it
wasn’t enough. She wished it could be because she desperately
wanted a repeat performance of his kiss, and judging by the
erection he’d been sporting on and off all night, he obviously
wanted way more than a kiss. Sex with a man like Mike would
probably be utterly mind-blowing, but what she felt for him had
always run so much deeper than the physical. In light of that there
was no way they could ever be anything more than friends, and if
she was being totally honest with herself, they probably couldn’t
be friends

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