Lisa Djahed - Bee Stanis 01- The Foolish Stepmom

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Book: Lisa Djahed - Bee Stanis 01- The Foolish Stepmom by Lisa Djahed Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Djahed
Tags: Mystery: Cozy - Humor - Florida
registration , I just can’t find my insurance, it is here, here’s last year’s card, it is gotta be here, it’s the same policy number” I was so jittery.
    “Mam , I pulled you over because it was suspicious . Why were you running out of that apartment?”
    “I just got a call from my friend that she was in trouble and I was just visiting a friend and had to run.” Such pure bullshit.
    “Mam , have you been drinking today?” damn those jittery hands.
    “I had one glass of wine earlier” except it wasn’t earlier it was just 15 minutes ago.
    “Stay right here” he said as he went back to his car and left me to my own devices. At that moment my stomach was doing such flips it was impossible to keep up. If he wanted to give me a breathalyzer he’d have to do it quick cause I was about to throw up all over the car.
    Just then I saw Ben around the corner of the building he was ushering to me to tell him what was going on , and I was ushering him to stay hidden. Lordy-loo, that’s just what we needed, to both end up in jail and have Countess Von Stinker find that out when we didn’t make it to the pick up. lordy loo on a stick squared .
    And that is pretty much how I ended up in a holding cell barefoot. I refused the breathalyzer (I had had a lawyer for an ex boyfriend once who swore that you never take one, so I was following his advice) but which meant automatically losing my license, a charge of DUI and criminal trespass which I thought was a bit of a bogus charge seeing how Ray didn’t show up while I was being arrested. They couldn’t prove I didn’t know him, not yet anyway.
    The holding cell was cold. L ike to the bone cold. There was one metal bench, a toilet and a sink but there was only a half barrier to the toilet so if you had to go, everyone could see. How embarrassing, I thought, grateful for not having to pee right at that moment.
    Soon I was transferred to the van. It was a small uncomfortable thing with gates and mesh and all sorts of barriers between the female inmates and the males and the cop drivers. They handcuffed me, ME!
    Luckily I have small wrists and they didn’t put them on tight so I could slip in and out of them pretty easily, which made the uncomfortable ride just a bit more comfy. Soon we were doing the tour, stopping at all the police stations in the area one by one to ‘pick’ up their drunks and thieves and criminals, of which I was now one. An older lady, clearly still drunk got in at the first stop, a party girl got in at the second with her mascara running and sniffing a lot and at the third my very first bonafide prostitute was soon sitting right next to me. I tried to keep an open mind on this whole experience, after all, it is what Jesse has been through and it does happen and the world won’t end cause I spend one night in lock up. At least I hoped it wouldn’t.
    My thoughts turned to Ben , what must he be thinking. Would he be mad? Should I be mad at him? I really just didn’t care, I just wanted to be near him, to be home. It was amazing to me to be robbed of my personal space and freedom and gave me a healthy dose of respect for cops and judicial system. I would never, never, never, get into trouble again. I wouldn’t jaywalk, I wouldn’t ever drive even after a sip of wine, I wouldn’t speed . Nothing. I’d be the perfect little citizen, just please let me out is alls could think.
    After we made the rounds I noticed we were traveling on 95 north. Stark’s. Of course, they were going to process us and book us at Stark’s, where Jesse was being held. Imagine that, both Jesse and I locked up for something we nearly didn’t do. Sort of did. A little. I could imagine what he was feeling, just a fraction of it, I’m sure but it gave me more feeling for what he must be going through. I couldn’t imagine being his age and being in such a place, stuck with such people.
    We were processed and soon in another holding cell where we waited all night. At the first

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