Heat of the Moment

Free Heat of the Moment by Robin Kaye

Book: Heat of the Moment by Robin Kaye Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Kaye
his waist, and, God help her, she let out a groan fraught with frustration, only to receive a chuckle in response. “Demanding, impatient little thing, aren’t you?”
    He disengaged her legs from around his waist and kissed his way down her belly, divesting her of her pants and panties in one tug.
    If she could utter a coherent sentence, she’d give him a piece of her mind, but words seemed beyond her.
    â€œThere’s no rush.” He pushed down his jeans and what looked like boxer briefs, kicking them to the far corner of the couch. “Haven’t you heard, anticipation only increases the pleasure? It makes me want to slow things down, hold the moment in suspense, and bask in you. This could take hours.”
    Was he nuts? God, was she the only one feeling as if she were about to jump out of her skin? He could do this for hours? She’d never survive, not with her sanity intact. She planted her left leg firmly on the seat cushion and used a move she’d learned in her self-defense class, flipping them both over.
    If not for some skillful sliding on his part, he would have landed flat on his back on the hardwood floor. He blinked up at her, stunned, but maybe that was because his skull had bounced against the arm of the couch. Not hard enough to do any real damage, just enough to give her the time she needed to get the upper hand.
    She removed his T-shirt with his help—not sure if the smug smile she uncovered was placating. It hardly mattered, not when she had his big, hard chest to explore.
    â€œI guess you didn’t fully grasp the slow-down plan.”
    â€œI had no problem understanding the concept, I just didn’t embrace it.”
    â€œTurnabout is fair play.” He pulled off her shirt along with the bra that he’d somehow unhooked without her realizing it. Wrapping his big hands around her waist, he held her in place. “I’m not sure how successful it would have been anyway.” He stared at her, taking in deep breaths as if he couldn’t get enough oxygen. His stare never wavered. It went on and on, well past the point of discomfort, which seemed to morph into something erotic. “You’re so beautiful.”
    She would have laughed if the look on his face didn’t match his words. She’d never been called beautiful before, and under his gaze, for the first time, she felt it.
    Cam sat, pulling her closer, wrapping his arms around her. So close, her bare breasts pillowed against his chest. Their faces were almost even since she was straddling him. The pressure of his erection throbbed against her center. The beating of their hearts synced, their lips almost touched, and their eyes were locked in mutual need.
    â€œHold on.” That was all the warning she got before he grabbed her backside with both hands and hightailed it up the steps to her room, kicking the door closed behind him. He shushed her squeal, tore the comforter off the bed, and laid her gently on it, before sliding between her open legs.
    â€œYes.” Erin lifted them to wrap around his waist.
    â€œNo.” He eased her knees apart. “Not yet. Trust me on this.”
    Erin didn’t trust easily, but the way he looked at her, the command in his voice, and the kiss that completely derailed her brain function gained her acquiescence.
    His mouth slid from hers, down her neck—leaving her panting. He nibbled a path to her breasts and his hands slid lower, grazing the insides of her thighs, fingers delving between her folds, seeking entrance as his mouth, lips, and teeth tortured her breasts. One long, thick finger filled her, pressing in deep, his thumb circling the bundle of nerves and her vision tunneled. Her knees came up and his lips trailed kisses down her torso.
    Her body was alight with sensation. A strange ball of energy gathered in her core, growing tighter, and when his mouth joined his fingers, she felt stretched and full and the energy threatened

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