Lady Libertine

Free Lady Libertine by Kate Harper

Book: Lady Libertine by Kate Harper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Harper
Tags: Fiction, Erótica
nobody has appreciated your forthright approach and charming air of candor. Believe me,’ he added gravely, ‘if more ladies demonstrated your wit I might have married years ago.’
    ‘Liar,’ she replied. ‘You are not married because you have far too much fun not being married. Be nice to Phoebe. She really is a darling, despite our mother.’
    ‘I will try to be good, although frankly, I find it difficult not to flirt with innocent young things. They never know how to take me and their confusion is so entertaining.’
    ‘If you confuse my poor sister, then she won’t have to worry about that. I will deal with you.’
    ‘Good God,’ she heard him mutter, ‘it’s as if Julia is in the room with us.’
    Lucy smiled, appreciating the reference. It was, she reflected, proving to be remarkably easy to talk to Hamersley despite their rocky beginnings. In fact, if she had known he was so entertaining, then she would not have given him that set down last time they had met, although the circumstances had been a little different.
    She stole a glance at him, only to find he was regarding her quizzically. ‘I am sorry. Did you say something?’
    ‘No. I was merely pondering on something my sister said.’
    ‘Mrs. Challender is a very nice woman.’
    ‘Not particularly. None of the Hamersleys are particularly nice. We’re far too feckless for that, too careless with other people’s feelings, but she has her likes and dislikes and she certainly likes you. She told me not to upset you.’
    Lucy gave him a wide smile. ‘Nice and sensible. How fortunate you are in your sister.’
    He smiled at this and looked down at his riding clothes ruefully. ‘I suppose I should change before the other guests arrive. I smell like my horse.’
    ‘I don’t suppose it will matter. House parties are supposed to be a little more relaxed, are they not? Riding clothes in the country are perfectly acceptable.’ She looked at him thoughtfully. ‘Did you really arrive down here to quiz me on the identity of Lady Libertine?’
    ‘I did.’
    ‘A rather futile occupation as I have nothing to tell you. You might have to excuse yourself early for I’m sure you will find yourself frightfully bored. I have seen the guest list.’
    ‘An hour ago I might have agreed with you,’ he said easily, ‘but I doubt anybody could be bored in your company, Miss Landon.’
    It was such a pretty compliment that she looked at him in surprise. ‘Why, thank you or are you merely commenting on the fact that I do not know when to hold my tongue?’
    ‘Please do not do so on my behalf,’ he urged softly. ‘I so rarely get to hear what a lady really thinks. It would be a pity to spoil my education.’ His voice had taken on a rough edge, the smooth polished abruptly stripped away so that he sounded, oh good Lord, was he aroused?
    Something had changed. Lucy could feel it. The unexpected, crackling between them with a hiss and sizzle that sucked the breath from her lungs. For a moment their eyes locked and something caught fire, singeing the air around them. Lucy felt her mouth go dry while an unfamiliar ache of need pulsed through her, so hard that it was a wonder her entire body didn’t lift out of the chair.
    It was as if they had made some kind of connection without a word being said. A disturbingly sudden connection, deeply intimate, and Lucy moistened dry lips while he followed the motion with his eyes, making her heart stutter in her chest.
    Lucy wanted to say something, to break the sudden silence that seemed far too fraught with subtle nuances, but she could not think of anything that had a hope of making sense. Her head was a jumble of thoughts that weren’t quite thoughts at all. Everything suddenly tangled up inside her head. It wasn’t thought that was ruling her, but sensation.
    Deliciously hot and disconcertingly wanton!
    The extraordinary spell seemed to go on forever. The sound of approaching voices broke it, bringing Lucy back to the

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