The Aftermath: Parts I and II

Free The Aftermath: Parts I and II by Megan E Pearson

Book: The Aftermath: Parts I and II by Megan E Pearson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan E Pearson
The Colony
    “I t always happens the same way," he said pulling in a long drag.  "Thank you for the smoke by the way."
    "What do you mean, it always happens the same way?"  The woman answered sternly.  She wasn't going to play games.
    "How do you guys have cigarettes still?"  He replied.  It didn't matter that she didn't want to play, he wasn't going to give up everything without a little bit of conversation.
    "Answer my question please."
    "I asked first," he said.
    "We stocked up, we assumed that people wouldn't be able to get over their addiction just because the world went to shit."
    "Fair point, I am guessing you rationed them."
    "Yes, but it's harder to ration with new people.  We sometimes have to give them a few extra."
    "Doesn't seem wise," he said, continuing to procrastinate.
    "Well they know that once their extras are out they are on the same ration as everyone else.  It's up to them to decide to make those last or not."
    "Ah, the firm hand."
    "Not the same as the firm hand your little community had," she snapped.
    "You really aren't going to let me have my fun are you?"
    "No, I am not," she paused to light her own cigarette.  "I'm already pissed that they felt the need to use me as a tool to get you talking so I am not in the mood for games."
    "I see that the end of the world hasn't stifled your feminist agenda."
    "I actually wasn't one until the end of the world.  But so many of the men trying to take care of me failed in the most horrible way.  You kind of learn that regardless of your gender, age, or who you were before, sooner or later you have to be responsible for yourself or die."
    "That is one of the truest things I've ever heard.  So, am I going to be rationed?"
    "I'll make you a deal, we can share this pack if you stop fucking with me and answer my questions."
    "I like saucy women," he noticed her glare, "I'm sorry, I do.  End of the world or not, it's still sexy.  I will answer your questions.  Not for the smokes, not because they sent you in here to toy with me, but because I like saucy women."
    She rolled her eyes but set the pack on the table.
    "Like I said, it always happens."
    "And like I asked, what always happens?"
    "I'll start from the beginning by the end I assume you'll be able to figure out to what I am referring to.  You just can't get impatient with me.  I can tell you are the type, but you have to understand it all."
    See, I have no real life example, but we all know it.  When all hell breaks loose the format is simple.  The government makes promises but is ultimately ineffective.  Most of the population is wiped out due to the lack of knowledge of what people are dealing with.  One person gets sick and bam, another and another.  Then your whole little cluster fuck of "protected people" is just a massive horde of what they were supposed to be safe from.  
    You are then left with the others.  People who couldn't make it to the safe locations or people who simply didn't believe that they were safe.  These people are freaked out, and they know they are alone.  They've seen first hand the failures of the government, and are in need of a game plan to survive.  That's when you start getting groups.
    Now there are different types of groups that band together for different goals.  People who believe that loved ones are still alive and go on quests together to find them.  These groups aren't the worst off because their common goal is one worth fighting for.  And a goal that strangers will fight for on your side.  If Bob and Joe both want to find their daughters then Bob and Joe will protect each other with unquestioned devotion in order to help one another.  However, it's also that emotion that makes them weak.  When they start to realize their common goal is hopeless they fall apart one by one.
    Then you have those groups of survivors that keep a positive image of the world in their minds.  They want to save each other and anyone else they come upon.  Honor, duty,

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