After Genocide: The Dead Live Again

Free After Genocide: The Dead Live Again by Jose Rodriguez

Book: After Genocide: The Dead Live Again by Jose Rodriguez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jose Rodriguez
snack blood fell from the mouth of the creature.  The eyes glowing red like that of a wild predator in the dark. Its teeth sharp like that of a wild cat; nails extremely large. Its skin peeled like a flesh eating disease had struck it; all due to the act of the mutation.
                  Eyes of the zombie glare into Pam’s nervous stare. A mother is the zombie and the meal appeared to be the child, too little left to distinguish male or female sibling.
                  Standing to be approximately five feet and nine inches in height; slim. Pam is the next meal for it to munch on. Quick speed as the zombie rushed to take a charge at Pam; but she had a guardian angel in the room. The blast of a firearm stopped the zombie halfway from reaching Pam’s standing point. Kelly stood at the doorway then rushed to hug her best friend that stood in such a frozen position, taken by the terror.
    Pam stood there, then a tear broke out.  “Why is this happening?” she cried.
    The cold hands of Kelly felt warm against Pam’s spine as Kelly rushed and placed her arms around her and hugged her tight. 
    “It’s okay,” she comforts.
                  I rushed as the sound of the gunshot had echoed.
    “Kelly!” I yelled while I began a jogging pace, then while standing in front of the room at the door entrance I aim my crossbow.
                  “You ladies hurt?” I ask. 
    “We are okay,” replies Kelly.
                  Walking towards them, Kelly released the hug she has on Pam. No words exit my mouth. The crying continues for only a few seconds then she stops the sobbing. 
                  “Okay. Kelly, take Pam with you. I will check out the equipment room,” I ordered and Kelly agreed then reloaded her firearm.
                  Walking out of the room and into the mildly dark hallway, Kelly and Pam behind me, but their objective is room two.
                  Last I recall I saw them standing by the door, but I kept walking straight ahead to the equipment room. Step by step at a calm and quiet pace; trying to make no sound whatsoever, but the hall is too quiet. No matter how light I walk the footsteps echoed throughout.
                  My hand trembling; unbalanced legs as mild fear ran through my body. 
                  A sudden pause; I keep my crossbow in hand as I walk. The door is closed and I can hear every breath I take like a loud siren. I place my left hand on the door knob and move it a little. 
    It felt weak and so a quiet pull and a dark room is in view. One step then another then another; each one silent how a cat walks.  Darkness embedded the room. A quick glance caught my eye of the light switch, flipping it up and the lights barely light up the room. Sizzling electricity runs through the wires to the bulbs.
                  Aiming my crossbow position, quietly walking the scenario is two large shelves at the end of the wall to hold equipment. Two book shelves parallel to each other with coinciding computers to each side one to the front and the other to the back. A clear path resides ahead however I feel like a coward for not wanting to explore further but the job must be done. I don’t want to be held responsible if they attack the girls in a large ambush later.
                  I begin to approach the middle of the shelves, next to the computers from the peripheral side of my eye there is a shadow that moves quickly. A quick reaction forces my scared body to move and point the crossbow straight to the end of the hall. My pulse begins to accelerate and my heart rate beating rapidly. My throat goes dry and sweat rapidly pours down my neck. 
                  “Any,”—my pulse echoes—“anybody there?” my voice cries out in a dry and hoarse tone.
                  Come on Joe. What would the girls think of you right now? Prove to

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