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Book: DREAM LOVER by Kimberley Reeves Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberley Reeves
of the shower, quickly drying himself off then hurrying into his room to get dressed.  Anxious to call Rachel and explain, he was even more annoyed to discover he didn’t have the card with her number on it in his wallet. 
    It was a small delay and as it turned out, by the time he got to his car and found the card in the coin tray where he’d left it and called Rachel, she wasn’t at home anyway.  More than a little apprehensive when she didn’t answer her cell phone either, Nic headed over to her apartment.  He supposed it was possible she’d gone out but highly doubted it considering he’d left her place less than two hours ago, which meant she’d either gone back to sleep and didn’t hear the phone or she was deliberately avoiding his calls.
    “Great job, Nic,” he scoffed at himself.  “You’ve managed to find the woman of your dreams and lose her again all in the span of forty eight hours.”
    She’d probably laugh when he told her the reason he’d skated out of there so fast was because he was trying to be noble, assuming she let him get past the door that is.  He’d never met a woman who could tie him in knots the way Rachel did and he didn’t think it had anything to do with the dreams.  It wouldn’t have mattered when or where they’d met, Nic would have fallen for her the moment he laid eyes on her. 
    Rachel was in the middle of tossing her underclothes in the suitcase when the doorbell sounded, startling her out of the worrisome thoughts that had been buzzing around in her head like a swarm of pesky flies ever since Nic left.  Assuming Monica must have forgotten her key again when the incessant drone of the doorbell continued to echo down the hallway, Rachel yanked the door open with an impatient sigh.
    “Nic…what are you doing here?”
    “Not exactly the greeting I’d hoped for,” he grinned.
    “Really?  Because I seem to recall you hightailing it out of here not too long along without so much as a
see ya, Rachel
.  Sorry, Nic, I’d love to help you analyze which childhood trauma affected your ability to finish what you start in the bedroom but I’ve got some packing to do.”
    “Okay, maybe I deserved that but…wait, you’re packing?  Why are you packing?”
    “Not that it’s any of your business, but I’ve decided to get started on the Covelli mansion.”
    “Rachel, listen to me…”
    “You don’t owe me any explanations,” Rachel cut him off.  “I’ve got to go now, so if you don’t mind…”
    She started to shut the door but Nic wasn’t about to give up that easily.  “Damn it, I
mind,” he growled as he slipped through the doorway.
    “Close the door.”
    Rachel considered ordering him to get out, but one quick glance at the dark scowl on his face made her change her mind.  Fine, she’d listen if he insisted on trying to justify what he’d done so he could ease his conscious and
she’d ask him to leave.  After informing Nic he could talk to her while she finished packing, she brushed past him and walked stiffly down the hall to her room.
    Nic had no choice but to follow her.  He stood in the middle of the bedroom watching her jerky movements as she moved from the dresser to the suitcase and crammed her clothes inside.  The way he figured it, there were two possible outcomes here; he could try to explain what happened, she’d understand and forgive him, then she’d probably still take off for the mansion, or…he could take her in his arms, kiss her senseless, and then tumble into bed and spend the rest of the evening making love to her. 
    He planned it all out in his head while Rachel continued to skirt around him.  Tomorrow he’d help her finish packing then stop off at his place so he could throw a few things in a suitcase too.  He could do with a few weeks off, and Lord knew he had enough vacation time accrued so there wouldn’t be any problem

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