The Temporary Mrs. King

Free The Temporary Mrs. King by Maureen Child

Book: The Temporary Mrs. King by Maureen Child Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maureen Child
into a romantic dip, then covered her mouth with his. A wash of heat, delicious, soul-searing fire, enveloped her in an instant. She hadn’t expected this . It was just a kiss. And yet, it was so much more.
    He took her thoroughly, and Melinda was only vaguely aware of the watching crowd cheering. How could she pay attention to anything else when every square inch of her body was electrified? His tongue tangled with hers and she arched into him, letting him—no— helping him to devour her.
    It didn’t seem to matter that she wasn’t in love. Didn’t matter that she had never planned on kissing her new husband. All that did matter was what he was doing to her. The sensations crashing through her body, her mind.
    She’d never known anything like this before. His arms tightened around her until she could hardly draw a breath and she didn’t care. She was much too busy trying to make sense of this. How could it happen? How could she feel these sensations blasting through her when she hardly knew him? When he wasn’t Steven ?
    That name reverberating in her mind was enough to douse the flames within. She broke the kiss, tearing her head back to stare up at him through astonished eyes. It was small comfort to see the same shock in his eyes she knew was written in her own.
    â€œNow that was a wedding kiss!” Her grandfather’s voice bellowed out over the others.
    In response, Sean eased her up onto her feet. He lookedaway from her, but with one smooth move wrapped one arm around her shoulders and tucked her into his side.
    His stance was casual, his smile easy, but Melinda felt the rapid thud of his heartbeat and knew he had experienced everything she had during that kiss. Which meant…what?
    He had already agreed to the no-sex clause in their bargain. Would he think that one amazing kiss would change her mind?
    Would it change her mind?
    No. It wouldn’t.
    She shivered a little as Sean ran his hand up and down her bare arm, but she smiled in spite of everything. Because he had been right. It was important to play their parts.
    â€œWe’d like to thank you all for being with us today,” Sean said, his voice like chocolate, rich and dark. “I know it means a lot to Melinda and to Walter to have you all here.”
    Another rousing cheer followed that little speech and as the music jumped into a rock and roll beat, Walter stepped out of the crowd and walked toward them. First, he offered his hand to Sean.
    â€œWell said,” he acknowledged with a shake and a nod. Then the older man turned to Melinda. “You are as lovely a bride as your mother was.”
    Tears filled her eyes again as she hugged her grandfather and breathed in his familiar scent of pipe tobacco and peppermint. He was the reason for this pretense and yet, she couldn’t find it in her heart to blame him. He was doing what he thought best, just as he always had. Melinda only hoped that when this was all over, he would accept that she wouldn’t be marrying again.
    â€œI love you,” she whispered and felt him drop a kiss to the top of her head.
    â€œAnd I you. Now…why don’t the two of you go and enjoy your party?” One last squeeze and he left her, strolling toward the corner of the grand ballroom where a few of his closest friends waited.
    â€œHe really is something else,” Sean muttered.
    Melinda looked up at him, ready to defend her grandfather—then she saw it wasn’t necessary. Sean must have read the battle-ready light in her eyes though because he grinned.
    â€œNo offense intended,” he said, holding up both hands in surrender. “I mean it. Might not like how he gets things done, but you’ve got to admire a man who goes after what he wants and doesn’t take no for an answer.”
    In spite of her inner turmoil, Melinda smiled. “Of course you would admire him. You’re a lot like him.”
    Both black eyebrows rose high on

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