Children of the Sun and Moon

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Book: Children of the Sun and Moon by P. D. Stewart Read Free Book Online
Authors: P. D. Stewart
Tags: Dragons, action and adventure, fantasy quest
snapped back.
    “I am tired.
What is it you want?”
    “Koral will be
easier to follow now. I thought you would be pleased.”
    Lakin sighed.
“I am going to send Traug after her when she leaves. I did not want
to make it easy for him to catch their little group.”
    He could see
Malena’s face change. “I am so sorry if it interferes with your
plans, but we are in this together.”
    “Not for long,”
he thought then smiled. “Yes, I’m sorry. I didn’t want to give him
too much information is all. I guess it would make things easier if
he knew the truth of things.”
    Lakin could
tell by Malena’s expression she was not pleased by this. “If you
think it will help our cause, Lakin, then do it. Just be careful
what you tell him. Remember, he believes you wish to destroy all
magic not help bring it back.”
    “Yes, I am
aware of his beliefs. I think he will understand.”
    Malena just
shook her head and disappeared from view. Happy she was gone; Lakin
went back to his pool to watch Brin.


    Eric was not
having as much fun as the festival goers. On their second day
travelling, a small village had chased them away. Although he
announced who he was, the town folk had thought Eric and his
companions were raiders. With no letter stating who he was under
the royal seal, Eric could not convince them otherwise. Having to
move off well-travelled roads and take the smaller trails through
the forest bothered him. He was the Prince of the Central Lands,
and was reduced to slinking through forests to go around villages.
It was absurd and getting quite frustrating. They also appeared to
be travelling in circles. They had started out heading west, turned
south and had since turned back eastward. He did not want to
question his companions because they knew what it was they were
looking for but he was getting curious. They had divulged very
little information and Eric did not like secrets. There was too
much at stake, with the prophecy, to keep secrets. Then again,
maybe it is just the way of goblins.

    As they rode
on, Eric realized what day it was. The Festival of the Moon. It was
the celebration for the Allorethna, goddess of the moon and his day
of birth, and he was not with his family.
    He had been
gone almost a week and Koral was probably still mad at him. The
festival did work in their favour though. It kept the roads pretty
empty, which made it easier when they had to cross them. He had
expected a search party to follow, but knew they would not be able
to track him. Even if Payton or Korben were leading, it would have
been impossible. The goblins were very good at hiding their

    Eric really
wished Koral was here with him, but was also glad she was not. This
was not the world they thought it was. Their father hadn’t let them
travel very far from home, and Eric realized this fact made them
very naive about life outside their little town.

    He could not
believe there were so many people living in such sordid conditions.
It was revolting and it amazed Eric they could survive like this. A
week of travelling brought them into Baron Lychen’s lands. The area
was the worst yet. There were sign’s posted everywhere proclaiming
tax increases and longer work hours due to the fact that his lands
were not bringing in enough for the king’s liking. It bothered Eric
to read this, and was sure the baron just made it up. He could not
believe his father would order such things. They had kept off the
main trails so he could only see what was happening in the fields.
When they got close to towns, you could see it in their dwellings.
In some areas, people did not even have enough money to farm their
lands and they were going to waste. Eric did not know why his
father was allowing this to happen but decided he was going to have
to discuss this with him when he returned.

    They were
currently riding through the forest between Regrit and Lissal, five
days from the Destiny River. This forest was full of game yet the

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