Children of the Sun and Moon

Free Children of the Sun and Moon by P. D. Stewart

Book: Children of the Sun and Moon by P. D. Stewart Read Free Book Online
Authors: P. D. Stewart
Tags: Dragons, action and adventure, fantasy quest
she replied.
    “Have you been
enjoying yourself so far?” asked her mother.
    “There are so
many different tents set up this year. Fruit and vegetables I have
never seen before, not to mention all the different cheeses. It has
been amazing.”
    Jeremy saw the
glow in her eyes and felt guilty. So many times, he travelled to
the south and not once had he taken his children.
    “Maybe we can
go and visit the south sometime,” he stated and saw Koral’s face
light up.
    “That would be
wonderful, father,” she said, hugging him again.
grabbed Koral’s hand. “I think it is time for some dancing.”
    Koral ran with
her mother to where the minstrels were playing a bouncy merry tune
about adventure and excitement. Forgetting all about her strange
feelings and questions, Koral danced away with her mother. Other
people from the town joined in and Koral and Elizanne laughed as
they were spun from partner to partner. Coming out of a spin, Koral
came face to face with Gillock’s companion. “May I have this dance,
    Koral gasped
when she saw who it was. “I would be honoured,” she responded, then
whispered, “Elf King.”
    Koral could not
believe how graceful he was. The stories of the elven people were
definitely not exaggerated. Glavlin moved with such ease, Koral
felt as if she were floating.
    “Why are you
here?” she asked.
    “I told you I
would be coming. In truth, I am here for you.”
    Koral was
stunned. “Why for me?”
    “You are very
important. I need you to come back to the Cyprian Forest with
    “It will all be
explained to you soon, right now you are to have fun. It is, after
all, your day of birth.”
    Koral laughed.
Of course, she was to have fun today, no worries, and absolutely no
problems. They danced together for three more songs until King
Jeremy asked to cut in.
    “Have a good
day, princess,” Glavlin said before disappearing into the
    Turning to her
father, Koral held out her hand. “I would be honoured to have this
dance,” she declared.

watched her husband and daughter with delight. With Eric being gone
and Brin alienating herself, she was not sure if Koral would have
been in the mood for the festival. Everyone appeared to be enjoying
themselves, save for Baron Lychen and his men. Elizanne just
smiled. “That man will never be happy,” she thought to herself.
When she turned to walk towards a tavern tent her smile faded.
Ahead of her, she saw Brin, walking with determination towards the
palace, with General Traug and two Magima in tow.

    Lakin had been
observing the festivities as well. He was quite upset when he
noticed the green mist following Koral around and knew at once that
Malena had done something.
    “That stupid
witch,” he muttered to himself. “If she keeps this up, she will
ruin everything.” Deciding to put off dealing with her until later,
he turned his attention back to Brin. He could tell by her
determined walk, she was going to see General Traug but was
somewhat confused about it. “Surely she is not going to tell her
families secret,” he stated to the air. It would be quite
interesting if she were. He had thought, as did everyone, she had
no significant magical abilities. They were all wrong. Lakin had
witnessed her little temper tantrum after seeing her sister use
magic. It had intrigued him. The way she incinerated her night
table with a mere thought had him enthralled with her. “It must be
quite confusing for you, my princess,” he purred, stroking her
image in the pool. “Do not worry, I will guide you and then maybe I
can be rid of Malena forever. Besides, it would be much better if I
were king when I take over this world.” He was daydreaming about
Brin when Malena’s voice pulled him back to reality.

    “I know you are
watching, Lakin. Come to the mirror.”
    He moved from
the pool and withdrew the cloth on the mirror. “What is it?” he
    “Well, we are
testy today,” Malena

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