The Chastity Collection

Free The Chastity Collection by Daiza Daniels

Book: The Chastity Collection by Daiza Daniels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Daiza Daniels
    I shrugged and took a few gulps of the beverage.  It seemed silly that I wasn’t allowed to drink beer, when I was allowed to do most anything else an adult would.  The effect was almost immediate and my head swam a little.
    Will reached out and took the glass back.  “Okay, I think that’s enough, lightweight.”  He grinned and we ate silently for a few minutes.
    “Hey, Will.”  I said a little too loudly.
    “Yes, my dear?”  He was finding too much amusement in my minor intoxication.
    It seemed odd that neither of us had bought up the topic previously.  “What are your thoughts on children?  I mean, do you want more?”
    This time, it was my turn to laugh when he choked a little on his drink.  “In a few years, after college…if that’s what you want.  I mean, I’m not even forty yet so we have time.”
    “Close to forty.”  I smiled.  “It’s okay, though.  Older men are my thing.”
    “Oh really?”   He asked.
    I nodded emphatically.  “Well…you’re the only one I want, but they’re just more attractive.”
    William smirked.  “I should never introduce you to my brother, then.”
    “You have a brother?”  I can’t deny my mind immediately went into the gutter and I fantasized about being naked between the two of them.
    “Yes.  Kim didn’t ever tell you about her rebellious Uncle Alex?” 
    Of course she had, but I hadn’t thought about how attractive he might be.  I was always too enamored by William.  “Right, he’s a musician or something.”
    “Yes.”  He said and I felt like he could read the dirty thoughts in my head.  “Kim is more like him than me.”
    I smiled sympathetically, sensing his mood.  “I miss her, too.”  The waiter brought out some ice cream I ordered.  So much for watching my sugar intake.
    He cleared his throat.  “Yeah.  She’s doing what she wants, though.  As always.”
    “Winter break is just around the corner and we can all get together as family.”  I reached across the table and he took my hand. 
    “Promise you’ll always be my girl.”  He said.
    “Always.”   I promised.
    It was finally moving day a couple of weeks later.  We had already ordered furniture and it had been delivered early in the morning.  Unfortunately, I had classes, so Will had to take care of everything while I was at school.  It was one of the longest days of my life.
    Eventually, classes were over and Will was waiting outside to pick me.  I kissed him when I sat down in the car.  “Let’s go!”  I said excitedly.
    “You’re going to love it even more now that it’s furnished.”  William seemed as excited as I was.
    “I did think of something, though.  I walked to school when we lived in the apartment.  You’re not going to be able to drop me off and pick me up every day.”  I didn’t think he’d let me walk to school anymore even if we hadn’t been moving.  He barely let me out of his sight these days.
    He glanced at me.  “I can’t believe I didn’t think of that either.  You’ll have to ride to school with one of your friends until we get you a car, I guess.”
    I nodded.  “Yeah.  Not a big deal.”
    We pulled into the driveway behind a sleek black sports car.  I had thought we would be home alone so I was somewhat disappointed to see the vehicle.  A few days before I’d even bought some leather boots and a short skirt just for the occasion.  The outfit had gotten me plenty of admiring looks at school throughout the day.
    “Man…I wanted some alone time in our house.”  I told Will.
    “Yeah, me too.   Nice car, though.”  He put his own expensive ride into park and climbed out, admiring the hot rod in the driveway.
    My boots were easy to walk in because of the chunky heel.  Regular heels were out after my last fall.  I bent over to peer into the window of the driver’s side, just to entice William’s attention back to me and not the car.
    “Oh, I forgot about your

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