deeper in the room. She might make it out to the living room before he caught up with her.
Tension vibrated her back and legs with pent up energy, ready to explode her out of bed.
Would he really make me pee? How much tickling is that? Minutes? Dear God, hours? As she appraised his body and wondered at the suffrage endured during an hour long tickling, she decided if she was caught and the tickling started, there would be no chance of her escaping until he was done—not from those hands, powered by those arms. It would be over. All over but the dire-laughter—and the wet spot of course.
"What the hell does that mean?" she challenged, sounding more defiant than she felt. "Dirty triple scoop pansy ass ... what was the rest?"
Then Cole rushed her.
She squealed, trying to get her body to shift her center of gravity so she could flee, but failed to be fast enough to fly away. She clawed desperately across the mattress. A hand was suddenly clamped around her left calf and then her right ankle was clasped in his other hand.
She lunged her body toward the headboard and just as she did, he pulled and lifted her legs off the mattress. She was airborne, a shriek of surprise bursting from her breasts, as Cole pulled her backward toward the edge the bed where he was standing, letting go so that she belly flopped onto the mattress again.
"Cole! You let me go! What are you going to do to me!?" she laughed, going into a wildcat frenzy of arms, and legs while whipping her bright blonde hair around.
"Well, for starters, I intend to fuck you silly," he told her.
She instantly calmed down, "Oh, well, if that's what you want to do," she giggled and leapt up to wrap her arms around his neck, struggling to pull him into the bed, "Get in here, you big tease!"
In a lover's tangle, they hit the mattress together and she squirmed, and writhed until she was on top of him, and engulfing his cock with her mouth.
She loved this playtime he started, absolutely loved it. Did he know? Could he feel how concerned she was about her own sexuality and what her atrophied self could offer him?
After that rumpus playtime, though, she was immersed into bubbling clouds of hyper joy. Playing, and running, and defying him made the green glowing power of her fears turn into will-o-wisps, which are only dangerous if you follow them.
She only sucked on his cock for perhaps five or six minutes just to bring him to a solid hardness. The thickness of his cock was a bit disconcerting and had her biting her lip when she thought about him pounding into her. She straddled him while mentally and spiritually opening herself to large-scale newness. His cock, she theorized, was going to bring arousal differently that she was accustomed to. It was both thicker and longer than she was experienced with. Such potential for new forms of stimulation would most likely reveal some form of new responsiveness in her.
After some thought along these likes, she theorized that the sensations would, logically, be something different than— just more. Perhaps something wholly different than even previously thought impossible. A radical alteration like that who be very rewarding.
The stretching and filling sensations from his cock breaching her opening were thrilling and her body’s reactions were decidedly different already. She religiously observed and recorded her body’s reactions with as much detail as she could for her research and study of sexual stimulation and related subjects. She knew what reactions to expect from a hard cock entering her pussy and what was expected, wasn’t going on.
Her excitement with having a new experience in this area was close to blistering. She had been certain for some time that her sexual experience had reached its limits as far as intercourse was concerned. It seemed see was about to be introduced to a fresh perspectives.
Once the head of his cock had stretched her opening enough to begin working the rest of him, she