Rise of the Death Walkers (The Circle of Heritage Saga)

Free Rise of the Death Walkers (The Circle of Heritage Saga) by Lawrence Nason Jr.

Book: Rise of the Death Walkers (The Circle of Heritage Saga) by Lawrence Nason Jr. Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lawrence Nason Jr.
this. It will develop and become more sensitive as we progress." Mr. Moore smiled at me then turned to Katie. "Keep it up. Do this for about forty minutes per session. Don't do more than one session per day. We don't want to over extend Jason." He chuckled then continued. "And if you’re intent on keeping Jason for a longer period of time I would suggest that you don't try to drown him again."
    Katie blushed and watched as Mr. Moore walked away and entered the door to his office. She turned back to me and smiled shyly. Her voice was so soft and emotion charged as she said, "It nice to know your are not only attracted to me for my mind and caring attitude Jason."
    I blushed and replied. "Err ummm who could not be attracted to you the way you are currently dressed. It's a wonder that every male in a fifty mile radius hasn't been drawn to this room."
    "I am not interested in any other male but you. I am going to have your children Jason White. It may not be immediately but I will have your children." She moved in closer and tenderly wrapped her arms around me. "I knew the moment I saw you that I had met my other half. I believe two souls are destined to be one and its only rarely that two soul-mates meet. I know we are meant to be together and nothing in this world will tear us apart." She leaned forward and kissed me tenderly.
    The emotions that surged through me were unbelievably indescribable. My heart pounded like a jackhammer on high speed. The blood rushed through my system causing a throbbing in my ears. I lost all awareness in my surroundings. The only thing that counted was this wonderful female in my arms. I became hyper aware of her body being pressed against mine. My hands started moving of their own accord until I recalled the promise I had made her father. I forced them under control and concentrated all of my will power to focus my emotions just in the kiss we were locked into. Finally on the brink of my self-control I broke off and gently created some distance between us. Laughing weakly I said. "Katie Grant, are you sure you’re not trying to get me shot?"
    She laughed at me lightly and replied in a sensuous tone, "Can you think of a better way to go?"
    Still laughing I said. "I think it would be better later to go like that than sooner or are you tired of my company?"
    "Not by a long shot, Jason. You are mine and I am going to keep you a long time." She said in a husky voice.
    We then continued with the therapy and by the end of the session I had found several more spots that I felt some kind of pressure on. Katie was ecstatic beyond belief with each new spot. We would have many other encounters during the time of my disability and each time would prove harder than the last to maintain a proper self control.

Chapter 9 - Planned Destiny
    I sat at the table in our kitchen and listened to Mimi for the hundredth time dwell on the same topic. “Sam we have to tell him before it’s too late. We don’t even know if we can trust this girl he has been seeing at all.”
    I slammed my fist on the table. “Silence old woman! What do you want me to tell Jason? Should I come out and tell him that although he has direct ancestry to the people of this planet his immediate descendants come from a world one hundred and twenty-five light years from here and he is the chosen one of two thousand years of genetic crossbreeding? He hasn’t even been able to truly tap into his abilities yet.” I raised my hand and the sugar bowl floated up from the counter where it was sitting and glided to me at the table.
    Mimi reached out and slapped me in the back of the head. “Fool old man! Are you trying to ruin everything we have been working toward for twelve hundred years?”
    “Calm down old woman. Every member of this reservation is from the home world. It’s not like in the south, with only a few couples spread out among the tribes located there.” I sipped my coffee and then continued. “Katie can be trusted. I feel this

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