
Free MuTerra-kindle by R. K. Sidler

Book: MuTerra-kindle by R. K. Sidler Read Free Book Online
Authors: R. K. Sidler
scenario and consideration was deliberated. When they finished, they were in agreement. They decided for the sake of returning to familiar customs, they would name the three villages. The place they were now would be called Gateway. The village on the opposite end of the valley would be known as Bardin, named after the captain of the Nevsky. And the village in between them would be called Mezzo, according to its location. Weston and Sasha would remain in Gateway, Emil and Lukin would go to Bardin, and the Chief “Stew,” Dr. Ramirez, and Mr. Bayek would settle at Mezzo. Their thinking on this was that while medically trained people would be at each village, anything requiring significant attention would be able to be handled in a centralized location.
    It was agreed that the main considerations would be the division of assets. Half of the people would remain in Gateway, while the other half was split between the two other villages. Women were to be divided evenly because their numbers were much less than those of the men. Anyone of special abilities and talents, whether they involved medicine, science, agriculture, construction, and so on were separated into three groups. Those who were to move on to Mezzo, and Bardin, could take as much of the materials and supplies as they could transport. The reason for this was that four days journey from Gateway was a city that offered additional supplies. They did not know what other resources might be available for the other two villages outside of their locations.
    They agreed to conserve as much of the natural resources available to them in the valley itself. Even the animals were to be managed to ensure sustainable and healthy numbers. Now it was time to get some rest before carrying out their stratagem.
    When morning came, anticipation was high; as rumors had circulated that something was about to happen after two weeks of idleness. Everyone gathered around a raised mound of rock where Weston eventually made his appearance.
    “As you know we sent scouts into the valley. We are going to set up two villages in addition to this one. We will need a collective cooperation among those who wish to remain here to conserve what we have available, and to build on that. If any of you wish to move on from here, for whatever reasons, you are free to do so. If you do not find what you are looking for, you are welcome to return. For those who wish to leave, we will give you provisions to help get you started on your way. We ask that you decide now, because there is much work to be done.”
    After these last words, Weston stepped down from the rock formation, and walked to the supply area. Three dozen individuals waited there to receive what they could carry. They had their own reasons for wanting to move on. Some were motivated by a search for remaining family members, while others were just too traumatized to willingly accept that this is what life had become. Weston shook their hands and wished them well as they walked out of the camp. They were last seen cresting the ridge of the northern escarpment heading east. They would never be heard from or seen again. After another twelve months, their own numbers indicated the harsh reality of their new world. Little more than six-hundred remained in the valley.
    While introducing himself to his new Security Force, Keith recognized two faces in the crowd. He had no idea how they could possibly be here, but he was happy to see someone familiar. When he was finished, he stood by the door shaking each man’s hand and welcoming him onboard. The two individuals, now smiling as they reached him, were told to stand off to the side. When everyone else had gone, Keith closed the door and turned to the men.
    “Not that I’m not glad to see you two, but how in the hell did you end up here Wallace,” he asked of former Special Forces Sergeant First Class Ronald “Tiny” Wallace.
    Wallace was not only a few inches taller than his former Captain, but

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