Labyrinth Wall (9780991531219)

Free Labyrinth Wall (9780991531219) by James (EDT) Nicole (EDT); Allen Emilyann; Zoltack Girder

Book: Labyrinth Wall (9780991531219) by James (EDT) Nicole (EDT); Allen Emilyann; Zoltack Girder Read Free Book Online
Authors: James (EDT) Nicole (EDT); Allen Emilyann; Zoltack Girder
What if they have shown pity by not outright killing us before? Every day they’re probably trying to create something better than the time before, something better than themselves or us.
    Something else she mentioned bothers me. Rase said that Mahk can’t be on the other side of the wall. Then does that make Korun a Creator? Or is he something else from the other side of the wall? And does she mean I’ll die if I make it there?
    My breathing has hastened in my frustration which only causes my body more pain. It’s important to slow down, to take deep breaths. I need food, water, and more rest. My body is so weak from all the fighting in the last couple days. Food and water. My eyes roll at the thought of them. Both are items essential for survival, and the Creators would have kept providing for me, if it weren’t for this venture. Then again, is an existence of dependence and following demands really living? Either way, now I’m a dead woman. Everything is falling apart.
    Korun avoids eye contact. “Are you still going to help me get home?” he inquires.
    “I’m more determined than ever.” I shoot Rase a stare. It might be a long shot, but despite Rase’s claims about the other side of the wall, she clearly can’t be trusted. “We’re going to get through that wall. We’ll find answers. As badly as she wants to prevent us getting there, it’s worth doing just to tick her off.”
    He smirks. My sense of humor isn’t completely lost on him.
    “Hey, focus on regaining your energy” he lectures.
    I ignore him. “What other surprises can we expect, Rase? You knew about the blades, so if you cooperate and get us to the wall, then we’ll let you live.”
    Her usual sarcastically helpful demeanor again overcomes our guide as she smiles at me. “Miss Araina, let me show you right to that wall through every obstacle.” She squints at me “For Grol’s sake! I don’t know! I didn’t know about the blades.”
    “Grol’s sake?”
    “Don’t worry about it. I’m not explaining,” she replies.
    “Fine. And you supposedly didn’t know anything about the blades?”
    “I knew that sound most likely meant danger, given the disturbance you’ve caused. The boulders seemed like the safest place to be, but I had no idea what to expect and I still don’t. As a standard guard, I’m not really privy to details. I just know this labyrinth is now one giant death trap. Every move could be our last.”
    “Well, thanks for being so helpful,” I retort. “Could you both give me a minute?” I motion for Rase and Korun to close their eyes. For extra measure, I step behind a tree.
    Withdrawing my Mahk clothes from my tote makes me surprisingly happy. My fingers peel the blood-drenched guard garb from my body. Being so low on supplies, it’s clearly smart to reserve the water rather than cleaning up. At least my body is finally in my own Mahk clothing again. I never thought I was so attached to my outfit, but somehow it does offer me comfort. The guard clothing could be useful in the future, but unfortunately, they’re far too tattered and bloody, so they get ditched.
    “Let’s keep moving forward. No reason to sit around here, waiting to die,” I tell them.
    As we walk, I’m certain Rase knows more about the labyrinth traps than she lets on. More importantly, she could tell me about the other side of that wall, if she wasn’t so nasty. She could probably tell us who Korun is, and she might even know something about his healing ability. At some point, drastic measures may be necessary to pry that information from her. For now, my goal is to get us all to Blue and that wall.
    The completely lethal labyrinth ground around me is anything but comforting. How did they even pull this off? Such intricate defenses seem like the work of magic. Rase’s comments about the power of the Creators hits me harder as I process what’s around me. Her words play through my mind again, “He unleashed precautionary measures to

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