Heist 2

Free Heist 2 by Kiki Swinson

Book: Heist 2 by Kiki Swinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kiki Swinson
her like he was real concerned about me.
    Shannon said she felt like breaking down but she held her head up and got to the point, something I had taught her to do.
    â€œI’m good. Todd asked me to come by and check for some loot that you got for him,” she explained to Billy as he let her inside his crib.
    Shannon said Billy’s eyebrows went down and his face changed. She said he got a dark look over his face like he was about to scream on her. He told her she could sit down on the couch. Shannon didn’t want to be rude but she wasn’t there for all that sit-down bullshit. She wanted to get to the point. Did Billy have the money or not?
    â€œYeah, yeah. I owe him a few dollars. Whatcha need?” Billy had asked.
    â€œI need all of what you owe Todd. For real, shit is crazy right about now and I just need to get up some money for his lawyer,” Shannon explained, feeling like she was doing way too much explaining for a nigga who owed the money. Shannon said she felt like she had to cop a plea to those niggas that owed her fucking husband money!
    â€œHold up,” Billy said, disappearing toward the back of his house.
    Shannon said she got a little leery, but as she looked around, she could tell by the flat screens, the expensive furniture, and artwork that Billy wasn’t doing too bad financially.
    He came back with two plastic bags in his hands with some money in them.
    â€œHere is a little something,” he said, tossing the bags at Shannon, then he plopped down on the couch beside her. Shannon’s eyes immediately lit up, thinking the nigga was paying up. She was happy to see that he was coming up off the money, unlike Zack.
    â€œHow much is this?” she had asked Billy.
    â€œThat’s like two G’s. I’ma have to work on the rest,” he explained.
    Shannon’s face went dark. She told me she wasn’t trying to be ungrateful but she was thinking what the fuck is two G’s gonna do? She still wouldn’t be able to pay for that lawyer.
    Unlike that little punk-ass Zack, at least Billy came up off of something. Shannon decided not to argue. She put the money in her bag and was getting ready to bounce. The next thing she knew, this nigga Billy had moved real close to her on the couch. She said his movement had shocked her and then when he put his arm around her and got close to the side of her face she was totally frozen with shock and fear.
    â€œYo, if you need a nigga to take care of ya pretty ass, all you gotta do is holla,” Billy said, breathing on my wife’s cheek like he was an animal in heat.
    â€œWhat the fuck is you doing?!” Shannon screamed, pushing him away, trying to stand up. Shannon told me her heart was racing so fast and she was in such shock she didn’t even know what to say.
    â€œDon’t be acting like you too fucking good for a nigga,” Billy growled, holding onto Shannon’s arm so tight she could feel the bruises coming as she felt a sharp pain.
    â€œGet the fuck off me!” Shannon screamed again, yanking her arm away, which hurt her even more.
    â€œI could take ya pussy right now and nobody would know. Ya fucking man ain’t getting out no time soon. You betta get with a nigga that can take care of you without getting his ass locked up every other year,” Billy said cruelly.
    â€œFuck you, Billy!” Shannon spat, twisting her arm out of his grasp and pushing him away from her.
    Shannon said she was scared as hell but mad as hell at the same time. Billy didn’t take it any further, but he could have and he had tried it, so that was already the violation. Shannon said she was so scared she rushed toward the front door to get the fuck out of there. She said Billy looked like he was liable to rape her right there. Once she was back in the car, she cried and cried. She had felt so betrayed by Billy, knowing that he was supposed to be one of my closest soldiers.

    I pulled up to

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