The Taxman Killeth

Free The Taxman Killeth by Mary Ann Mitchell

Book: The Taxman Killeth by Mary Ann Mitchell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Ann Mitchell
Landis were running an illegal operation in the import/export business.
    “Is that true?”
    Todd shook his head.
    “What would give them that idea?”
    “We had a small business that we
used as a cover. We... rather, I export scuba gear to Central America. I
suppose they’ve figured out that we both had a lot more money than that
business would have brought in.”
    “Money paid to you by the
    Todd nodded.
    “You’d better get to bed,” Todd
said after the news went off. He used the remote to shut off the set.
    Amy began to clean off the
    “Don’t,” he said harshly. “I’m
sorry. Let me clean up; it will help to clear my head.”
    “I’ll stay late tomorrow at work
and see what I can find out.”
    “I don’t know whether I want you
involved in this.”
    “I believe you didn’t kill your
partner and I’m volunteering to help.” He was about to speak when she
interrupted him. “And I’ll stay late whether you want me to or not.”
    Without thinking, she leaned
forward and brushed her lips lightly across his, then quickly stood and
retreated to the bathroom to get ready for bed.
    Todd watched her exit the room.
He knew he had to get out onto the streets and gather more information. He
couldn’t let her risk her neck for him.

    Chapter 9
    A Late Night
    The following morning, Amy found
Todd sitting on the livingroom couch, dressed in a black tee shirt and jeans.
His feet were bare and rested upon her glass coffee table. He was intently
watching a news program on television. At first she wasn’t going to interrupt
his concentration, but she noticed that the announcer was discussing the
European economy.
    “Todd, was there any news about
the killing?”
    He seemed to have to pull
himself out of a deep trance.
    “There’s some coffee and toast
on the counter. I didn’t make a big breakfast this morning. I wasn’t hungry.”
    “That’s okay. I told you I don’t
usually bother to eat anything before I leave for work. Is something wrong?”
    “Wrong? Nah, I’m only a hunted
    “I mean, you seem moodier than
you’ve been. Did you learn anything new this morning?”
    “No. But I’ve been thinking that
maybe I should move on. Get back on the streets.”
    “You can’t do that. Your picture
has been in the newspapers and on T.V.”
    “I can’t stay here forever.”
    Amy was affronted by his
comment. Had he tired of her company so much that he would run the risk of
being caught? Perhaps she was a bit too aggressive in kissing him last night;
on the other hand, earlier he had been the one with the sensual innuendos.
    “Wait at least until I search
through some of the records at work. It might give us some leads.”
    “Not us, Amy, me. In a couple of
days I’ll have more than just this stubble,” he said rubbing his chin. “And my
hair will be longer.”
    “For Pete’s sake, Todd, do you
really believe a scruffy beard and straggly hair is going to make you invisible
to the police?”
    Not invisible, he silently
acknowledged, only harder to recognize.
    “Well, I take it by what you
said that you’ll be here tonight when I come home. If we’re lucky I will have
gained some knowledge of the office hoodlum.”
    Without bothering to drink the coffee,
Amy quickly got ready for work. Todd stood by the apartment door as she
gathered up her keys.
    “Listen,” he said, before
allowing her to turn the knob on the door. “I don’t want you to take any
chances. If anyone sticks around late, then forget your snooping. Understand?”
    She nodded, because Todd had not
explicitly defined late. Did he mean midnight, one in the morning, or two or
three? She didn’t bother to ask because she intended to stay as late as
    “Thank God you’re here,” Trudy
said as Amy let the glass office door close behind her. “Pickle was hysterical.
He kept wanting to call you all day. Luckily Teddy was back. He was able to
quiet him for brief

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