Jacob's Way

Free Jacob's Way by Gilbert Morris

Book: Jacob's Way by Gilbert Morris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gilbert Morris
Tags: Ebook
laughing. “We have that word. It is zhlob .”
    The lesson continued, with the two students pumping Schultz as he peeled potatoes. Finally Petya asked, “Ask him how to say krassavitseh in English.” His eyes were fixed on Reisa, and he smiled at her.
    Reisa flushed. “How do you say in English a woman who looks good?”
    â€œAh ha!” Schultz laughed, tossing the last of the potatoes in the bucket. “A beautiful woman.”
    â€œBeautiful woman,” Petya repeated. “Now, I can say ‘beautiful woman’ and ‘slob.’”
    â€œBe sure you don’t get them two mixed up,” Schultz laughed. “Now, that’s all the English for today.” He paused and said, “How’s your grandfather, Reisa?”
    Reisa’s face clouded. “Not well, Herr Schultz. I be glad when we get to America.”
    â€œNot I be glad. I will be glad,” Schultz corrected.
    â€œYes. I will be glad.” Reisa smiled her thanks.
    â€œWell, let’s make him up some soup and some hot tea. Maybe he’ll feel better.”
    â€œOh, thank you, Herr Schultz!”
    Petya went over the list of English words that he wrote carefully down in a notebook while the two prepared the light meal for Jacob. He looked up occasionally. Finally he said in Russian, “I think the weather’s getting worse.”
    â€œWhat’d he say?” Schultz said.
    â€œHe say wind getting strong. Very bad weather.”
    â€œWell, he’s right about that. I don’t like the looks of it. I’ve been at sea twenty years, and I can smell a blow. We’ve got a bad one comin’ on.”
    Reisa and Petya went down below, where they found Jacob sitting with his back against the bulkhead. He smiled when he saw them, but his face was drawn. He was very pale and his eyes were dark hollows. “Ah, you have been getting favors from Herr Schultz again.”
    â€œYes, he’s a very nice man. Now, eat this soup while it’s hot.”
    Jacob took the bowl and began eating. He had little appetite, Reisa could see, but she insisted that he eat it all. He did enjoy his tea, however, and as he sat there drinking it he asked if she had heard how long it would be before they arrived.
    â€œI think maybe another week.” Reisa poured herself a small cup of tea and sipped it while stroking Boris. She had brought him some scraps of meat, and he ate hungrily. She looked over to where the Chapaevs were huddled together. Both Ilya and Ivana had felt the rough usage of the voyage and had little strength. Reisa went over to share some of the tea with the two.
    â€œOh, you are good,” Ivana said as she drank the tea greedily.
    Ilya’s face was an unhealthy pallor. “I wish we had never left home,” he moaned.
    â€œDon’t be foolish, Ilya. We’ll be all right. It’s just going to take a little while,” Reisa said.
    She had brought enough soup to share with the young children, and each of them got several spoonfuls of it out of the pot. They clung to her, for they had grown very dependent during the long voyage, since their parents were unable to care for them. Now Reisa sat down and told them a story, a fairy tale her grandfather had often told her in her youth. They huddled close to her, and she hugged them tightly as she whispered the story. It did not matter what story she told them, and she often made them up as she went along.
    Finally she became uneasy. The ship was falling more deeply into the waves, and along with the rise and the fall, the ship seemed to be rolling.
    â€œI think I’ll just go up on deck, Zaideh ,” she said, “and see what I can find out.”
    â€œBe careful.” Jacob smiled wanly.
    â€œOh, I will. Don’t worry, and try to sleep if you can.”
    She made her way down the crowded hold, feeling as always a strong compassion for the passengers. She had known hardship most of her life,

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