The Assassin's Mark (Skeleton Key)

Free The Assassin's Mark (Skeleton Key) by Sarah Makela, Skeleton Key, Tavin Soren

Book: The Assassin's Mark (Skeleton Key) by Sarah Makela, Skeleton Key, Tavin Soren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Makela, Skeleton Key, Tavin Soren
Tags: new adult paranormal romance
you to seek out what you need from there. If there’s a record of it, it will be in the library.”
    Edward’s eyes narrowed when I mentioned the library. “If I ensure your safety,  you mean? I’m lousy at protecting people, but as an assassin, my skills haven’t found their match yet.” His demeanor seemed to shift at the thought of going home. He was more focused.
    He’d already kept me safe once, and if his words were true, he’d be invaluable in rooting out other assassins and preventing other attempts on my life. All he wanted in return was access to the library to help him find out how to get home. He had a definite motive to keep me alive at all costs.
    “I don’t have many allies here. The ones I do have might be traitors to my cause. Your proposal is acceptable, Edward. Do you then pledge your service to me?” I asked him directly. I had a feeling any vows might be lost on him.
    “Yes, Your Highness, I pledge to keep you safe.” He bowed his head to me. There was something more to the moment than I could put my finger on. I was honestly just glad he was on my side. The more allies I had, the better, particularly if I’d be reclaiming my throne.
    A commotion outside drew my attention, and after a moment, Sir Alan barged into the tent with Sir Orlan in tow. “You let her in here without guards? Are you insane?” he yelled.
    Sir Orlan glanced around the room, as if to ensure nothing out of place. “See for yourself, Sir Alan. She is alive and unharmed. He is still tied to the column and unable to move around. You have nothing to worry about.”
    “Sirs, I’m fine. What is going on?” I turned my gaze to my old teacher. This was unlike him. It took me a moment to realize there were new dents in his armor that I hadn’t noticed earlier. My thoughts ran wild with speculation. Were we under attack again? He’d doubled the guards, yet now his armor was dented. It didn’t make sense.
    “Forgive me, Your Highness. I had a heated argument with some of our fellow knights. It’s nothing for you to worry about.” He glared at Sir Orlan who’d begun to open his mouth. Neither of the two knights spoke for a few minutes as they merely glared at one another.
    “Both of you are terrible liars. How many knights tried to defect?” Edward said as he rose to his feet. He brought his hands out from behind his back. They were bright red and a little bloody. How...? Tension built in the air until I feared they’d start fighting again. I had to intervene.
    “Sirs, Edward, stop it. Sir Orlan, what you were going to say?” I kept my words terse, letting my agitation bleed into my voice. They tell me the truth whether they liked it or not. I couldn’t have anyone keeping things from me, not now.
    “Two guards tried to flee. Both were young men who’d only been with us a few months. Sir Alan found them and tried to convince them to return. When that failed, he had to take matters into his own hands. We can’t allow deserters to wander into nearby towns and run their mouths to anyone who will listen after a few pints of ale.” Sir Orlan kept his voice steady and his gaze on Sir Alan. “He didn’t want to tell you because he knew you’d be concerned. This happens from time to time. New, untested men become afraid and try to leave. You love your people, but your safety comes first.”
    Deserters, great. Not what I needed to hear right now.

Chapter Ten
    The tension in the tent had lessened after the truth came to light about the deserters and Sir Alan’s actions. I wasn’t sure how Brigit would take the news. Her attention remained locked on Sir Alan, as if she were trying to decide what to do.
    “Did you know them?” she asked, a hint of sorrow dampening her voice.
    Sir Orlan started to speak before Sir Alan lifted his hand to quiet him. “It’s all right, Sir Orlan. Yes, Your Highness, I knew them. Two sons of a farmer who lives not far from here. Both were squires and seemed loyal.

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