The Lost Soul Trilogy (Primani Book 5)

Free The Lost Soul Trilogy (Primani Book 5) by Laurie Olerich

Book: The Lost Soul Trilogy (Primani Book 5) by Laurie Olerich Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laurie Olerich
his. Wait. That can’t be right. I blinked a couple of times, and the impression was gone. He stepped back, again. I wasn’t having it this time. I stepped forward. He stepped back, hands raised between us, irritation etched across his face.
    “Knock it off. What do you think you’re playin’ at?” His accent was heavy with the harshness of his voice.
    “I’m outta here.” I stalked away.
    I was snuggled up with Domino listening to the rain come down. We were both glad to be inside and warm. I loved to watch her sleep. She seemed perfectly content here. My family loved her, and Seeker, the little black dog that Janet adopted, was glad to have a yard mate during the day. The kids were pretty good about taking care of her if I was stuck at work late. I took Domino with me wherever I could. She sprinted alongside of me when I ran every day. She went to the park with me and my friends and hung out at Dani’s store with us. Her mom fell in love with the dog and always had a treat for her--organic, of course. Domino preferred organic. We were planning to go hiking in a few weeks. Maybe she could scare away bears?
    That night I dreamed about Sean. This dream was different from the others. I was running down the long hallway with doors again. But this time, there was an open door with a gold seal above it. I couldn’t read it, but I ran through the door anyway, only to fall screaming through cloud cover before landing on a foggy forest floor. A faint light shimmered in the distance, calling to me, drawing me forward. I was making progress at first but then stumbled over random rocks and clutching branches. I could see the light beckoning... just out of reach. Suddenly a large shape landed in front of me. With a surprised cry, I dodged to the side--right into Sean in an entirely new world.
    Surrounded by mist and water; everything was green and lush. We were standing in a small pool edged with mossy rocks and purple orchids. The water was so clear I could see the sandy bottom. Sean was holding me against his bare chest. My head was flung back as he slowly dragged his mouth over my neck. My blood raced through my veins like a current, my entire body pulsing with heat. I was looking down at this sexy scene when his eyes snapped open and locked onto mine.
    I was still gasping for air a few minutes later. What a dream! It was dark outside. I wasn’t sure I could go back to sleep after that dream though. Whew! That was wicked hot. I wanted to jump back into that pool and… Domino stretched restlessly against my side and cracked an eye. Do you mind? I was dozing off again when she stiffened. Growling low in her throat, she pulled herself to her feet, listening. I sat perfectly still with eyes on the alarm pad. It was armed. No one could sneak inside; although it would be pretty easy to kill me before the police showed up. It was a very small apartment with limited hiding places. I didn’t hear anything though. Domino growled louder, showing teeth this time. She was serious.
    Hefting a baseball bat, I pressed my ear against the outside wall, careful to stay away from the window. Domino launched herself in front of the door with her hackles raised. I still didn’t hear anything, but I trusted her instincts. Something was up. The slam of a car door scared me even more. This was not good. Damn it. The sound of tires squealing sent both of us running to the window. What the hell?
    Domino had stopped growling, but her lip was curled in a snarl. I peeked out of the blinds--nothing. I peeked out of the peephole--nothing.
    “Well, what’s the matter, dog? You’re freaking me out.” She pointed her nose at the door and cocked one ear.
    “ Okay, fine, but if you get eaten by a zombie, don’t blame me!”
    I let her out, and she ran to my car, barking madly. I didn’t want to do it, but I followed her with the bat. There wasn’t anyone else there. Domino was sniffing all around the car though, probably taking DNA

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