A VOW TO KEEP (The Vengeance Trilogy)

Free A VOW TO KEEP (The Vengeance Trilogy) by Lana Williams

Book: A VOW TO KEEP (The Vengeance Trilogy) by Lana Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lana Williams
Sir Edward’s sword held a pale blue crystal the size of her thumb in its center. A crystal the color of the sky.
    A quiver ran down Alyna’s spine.

    “Barberry is excellent for sore throats;
    be certain to administer in small doses.”
    Lady Catherine’s Herbal Journal
    Could fate be so cruel as to thrust a knight she had taken an immediate dislike to as the one chosen to help her?
    She sincerely hoped not.
    Alyna glanced again at the knight’s sword, noting the sparkle of the stone in its pommel and sighed. A crystal the color of the sky, Myranda had said. At the time, that had seemed fairly straightforward. But the sky could be so many different shades, dependent upon the weather, the time of day, the season even. Was that pale blue the color she’d meant?
    Perhaps most knights had such a stone in their sword. As unobtrusively as possible, she studied the swords of the other knights. Only one was close enough for her to see clearly and it carried a swirled metal design, but no crystal.
    She closed her eyes and prayed Sir Edward was not the knight who would be ‘reluctant to help her’. Nor did she want him to be eager to help her, she quickly clarified in case God was listening. After a deep breath, she opened her eyes to see the massive gate of North Castle ahead. The horses’ hooves clattered on the cobblestoned entrance in rhythm with her heart.
    It was hard not to be intimidated by massiveness of the place. Alyna had never visited a castle so large, so impressive. Nicholas stared all around him, his mouth agape, eyes wide. As the portcullis lowered behind them, she bit her lip, wondering what this meeting would bring.
    The guards called greetings to the men who accompanied her, their camaraderie obvious. The village appeared prosperous; cottages stood in an orderly fashion and in good repair. Most villeins went about their business, but some paused to stare at their small party.
    Heat suffused her cheeks. Self-conscious of her disheveled, dusty appearance, it was all she could do not to raise a hand to check her hair and adjust her gown. She knew even on a good day, her features would not impress anyone, but she had always prided herself on being neat and tidy. On this day, she’d been stripped of even that. Frustration and anger filled her. Her grandfather had no idea what he’d done by sending Royce to fetch her with such haste.
    She took a deep breath to cool her ire. Greeting her grandfather with anger would gain her nothing, and she had every intention of getting what she wanted from him: a safe home in which to raise Nicholas.
    They rode to the back of the bailey where she could see the keep. As she watched, a tall, white-haired man came out of the large wooden doors and down the stairs. Her memory had served her well though the last time they’d met had been coated with grief.
    He held himself erect and confident, as befitting his title of lord. He was fit for a man of his age; his broad shoulders filled out his dark blue tunic.
    For a few moments, Alyna had the advantage of being blocked from her grandfather’s view by Sir Edward, but before she could fully prepare, they’d stopped at the foot of the stairs.
    Matthew dismounted and lifted Nicholas down, then came to help her. Sir Edward glared at Matthew, a snarl on his lips. Matthew’s face flushed, but he remained where he was. “Might I offer assistance, my lady?”
    She smiled. “Why, certainly, Sir Matthew.” She put her hands on his shoulders and, to her surprise, he lifted her with ease from the horse. The young man was stronger than he looked.
    He flashed her a shy smile, his face still red. “My pleasure.”
    Sir Edward dismounted, narrowly missing Matthew’s toes when he jumped to the ground. “Lady Alyna?” Edward offered her one elbow while his other landed in Matthew’s stomach.
    The younger knight grunted in response.
    “Step back, you dolt,” Edward commanded.
    Alyna ignored Edward’s elbow and

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