Dragon Guardian (Drakins of Wyrmarach)

Free Dragon Guardian (Drakins of Wyrmarach) by Eden Glenn

Book: Dragon Guardian (Drakins of Wyrmarach) by Eden Glenn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eden Glenn
Tags: Romance, Love Story
you’ve been had by the trickster. I can’t have you wear
girly pink.”
    “You would replace the other with this one, clothing you’ve
worn?” What looked like pride replaced the earlier dejection. He struggled to
get the shirt over his broad shoulders. The fit was snug but it would do. She
felt her cheeks blush reading the logo, Pearl
Diver . Dear Goddess, was she going to make everything about sex?
    “Well, yes, it’s clean. Or you can pick out a new one down
stairs, just not pink.”
    “You honor me. Of course, I’ll wear your clothing. ” He met Caleb’s open mouth shock with a mischievous
smile. He caught her hand and pulled her into his arms. She’d look back and
know it was his boyish smile that pulled her over the edge.
    Wren whispered against his skin. “Maybe I can get someone to
take over the shop for a few days.”
    He shuddered as her mouth closed on his chest swirling her
tongue around the hard nub of his nipple through the cloth. She didn’t
understand so much of what was happening. Why did she feel such a loss of
control over her impulses, crowding reason out of her mind?
    Conflicting desires surfaced, tangled together. She felt
confused and somehow isolated by the lust riding her. Wren needed to do
something, to move. Ethan turned her in his arms, his body like granite against
her back and Caleb lifted her to straddle Ethan’s thighs sitting on the edge of
the table.
    He spoke softly against her ear, choosing the perfect time to
show her they shared her intense need. “See what you do to me.” She was not
lusting alone. He turned her body so she could feel his thick erection press up
against her backbone.
    No doubt each of them had the gift of generous endowed body
parts in absolute harmony with their height. Ethan probably had huge feet too,
with exquisite, Goddess-formed sexy toes
    “Oh Goddess, what’s going to happen to me?”
    “What do you want to have happen, Wren?” Caleb faced her,
arms encircling her waist, giving her the power over what would transpire
between them.
    While she may have just met them that morning they were far
from strangers. Against all logic and generally accepted good sense she felt a
rightness and connection with both men. “I want… I think, I
want… No, I need… I need you both,” she rasped.
    Her emotions swung the pendulum between certain and
overwhelmed. Having confessed her needs aloud erased all the fear and
hesitation that bewildered her before. “Yes, I want both of you.”
    They murmured together, caressing her with their whispered
words. The words were lyrical and held the cadence of an ancient language that
she couldn’t understand, yet seemed so familiar.
    “Yes, brave of you to own that knowledge. We will explore
your needs and pleasure. We can be yours.”   Their voices blended together. She relished the glorious feelings they
were creating.
    She wanted, urgently needed Caleb’s mouth on her and Ethan’s
hands touching to explore her intimate secrets, sharing her with his brother.
    Wren instinctively knew they were manipulating her and
guiding her toward some unknown destination with skillful seduction. She also
understood that a ‘no’ from her would stop everything.
    I want this more than
anything I’ve ever wanted.
    Ethan unsnapped her jeans, sliding the zipper down with a
seductive slowness that gave her time to stop his advance. Glorious fingers
brushed her pelvis with a slow glide, weakening her knees. Then he teased under
the lacy elastic of her panties, before easing down, parting her to gain access
to her clit. His fingers trapped the small bud, giving it a rolling pull that drew a deep moan up her throat and sent
a shudder through her limbs.
    Standing before her, Caleb caressed her breasts, adding to
her heightened awareness. He bent to possess her with kisses that built a
frenzied level of tension in her mind and body, driving her toward a peak that
frightened her with the force of impending pleasure. He thrust his

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