Night Tide

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Book: Night Tide by Mike Sherer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mike Sherer
    His! head! turned! at! the! sound! of! the! door! opening.! A!
    willowy! brunette! walked! through,! pushed! by! a! sense! of!
    !The! scowl! on! her! face! softened! when! her! gaze! swung!
    toward! my! voice.! Age! had! carved! more! angularity! into! her!
    features,! harder! planes! and! angles.! The! maturity! added!
    subtlety! to! her! attractiveness,! the! difference! between! a! head6
    stopping! Ferrari! and! a! more! carefully! appraised! Continental!
    She! moved! in! to! embrace! me! and! rose! on! tiptoes! to! kiss!
    my! cheek.! The! heather! cashmere! turtleneck! under! my!
    Night&Tide —Sherer&

    know! your! place! is! a! lot! closer! than! the! house! in! Renton.!
    Sarah! quickly! stepped! to! the! side! of! his! bed! and! handed!
    him! the! cup! of! ice! water! sitting! just! out! of! his! reach.! She!
    smoothed! the! hair! back! from! his! forehead! while! he! sipped!
    “Always! my! protector,! right,! big! brother?”! The! words!
    She! turned! and! sat! on! the! edge! of! his! bed.! “How’ve! you!
    “No,! it’s! fine.”! I! leaned! against! the! windowsill,! braced!
    myself! with! my! arms.! “Other! than! getting! shot! at?! I’ve! been!
    Night&Tide —Sherer&

    the! twenty6year6old! college! girl! appearing! under! the! well6
    turned! suburban! soccer6mom! façade.! The! chitchat! flowed!
    freely! after! that,! light6hearted! banter! catching! us! up! on!

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